a most evil queen

I have gotten a ton of responses saying “don’t do illegal shit and you won’t get arrested”. I am not going to respond to any of you directly and ungray you. I am going to say this, I don’t do illegal shit, but, there are places where I could be arrested for who I am, how I look, or being in the wrong place at the

This is why I am terrified of getting sent to jail or having anything to do with the legal system. I am trans, and I transitioned almost 20 years ago. But, since I did not get any surgery, I would be put in with the men. I am not a man and never was, and being forced to live with men as a ‘man’ with the potential for

This is a really weird power dynamic, and I have to agree that it is super inappropriate. That being said, the student is an adult. Asking mom for support and advice is fine, but she needs to make the complaint herself.

And fewer games than Terrelle Pryor got for getting free tattoos in college.

Same number of games as Roethlisberger got for his second sexual assault allegation. Neat.

So it’s worse than beating your wife, but not as bad as beating your wife but being caught on tape.

3-6 months of expenses stashed away?

I have a loan coming due in December that I have absolutely no money to pay. My income and my expenses are nearly equal; there is no room left for another monthly payment, let alone a large one. What can I do?

Come on, you can’t conflate the two. One is a sin because they bible says so and one is just a cultural norm. Obviously the gays are waaaaay more dangerous.

Huckabee is against gay boy scouts but is cool with boy scouts who torture and kill animals. If I had a kid, I would rather he see the counselors sneaking off to have gay sex, instead of seeing them murdering animals.

I’d rather people just judged me on my personality and my character and my integrity.

“I’d rather people just judged me on my personality and my character and my integrity,” he said.”

“I’d rather people just judged me on my personality and my character than by the fact that I get off on torturing animals to death,” he said.

They really support each other.

Of course. Nothing worse than gravity dragging them down.

They must have been deep in their cups and really strapped for cash when they decided to band together to pull this off. I wonder how they’ll be caught - maybe one of them was wearing a wire?

It must have been an uplifting experience for them.

May I present one of my favourite Twitter People : Woman against Feminism

Agreed. And I’m not sure why a lady with curly hair buying hair products for curly hair has to be referred to as owning “powerful gypsy curls.”

This is really unnecessary.