
One can only hope.

That 5th picture...

Laugh all you want; we all know who had the first tablet.

Hahahaha! Thanks for that.

*blushes* Thank you!

It is, in fact, my husband Mr. Murphy.

Say what you will; I'm sort of into the porn 'stache.

We are The Capitol. (Hope you've read The Hunger Games otherwise this comment isn't going to make much sense.)

"Maybe she's just a really intelligent young woman that knows how to market her brand and she's actually quite self-aware of that?"

It's kind of bumming me out, though. I mean, clearly she puts a lot of her self-worth into her appearance. It seems as though the constant affirmation and encouragement she gets when she puts her body on display have encouraged her to just default on objectifying herself even when she has the opportunity to do

Yeah, he's never given me the impression that he'd be good at calming anyone down.

"In a behind-the-scenes video from her GQ cover shoot, Kate Upton is asked if she could have one wish, what would it be? 'I would…have smaller boobs!' she replies. 'Just kidding.' And then she laughs for a long time."

You hit the nail on the head. Men like this guy truly don't see women as people. And if they do, then they must be sociopaths because who the fuck treats other humans this way.

I shouldn't laugh but I did.

"he claimed he's making art and compared himself to Salvador Dali"

You are my new favorite person.

Yeah, it's unreal. That beard, and that suit! How have I not heard of this man before? All I can think about now is how weird it would be to yell out "Roo" in bed and just how badly I want to find out exactly how weird it would be.


Hahaha yeah. Like, if I were high and watching them I'd get freaked out by how embarrassing they are and have to change the channel. The worst part is that the one guy who wears the leather jacket all the time thinks he's so cool.

You know it!