
This story made me tear up a little. I've flown my cat before and I know how stressful it can be. The idea of you dealing with the stress of traveling with TWO cats, the financial burden of having to buy two seats for them, the anxiety caused by potentially being separated from one of said cats, and of course the

I found it here on Jez! Another Jezzie posted it on another Lochte article, but I think they were late so it got lost by Kinja. I was late to reading the article, so I was luck enough to stumble upon the gif. I don't remember which Jezzie it was, otherwise I'd thank them.

Good deed of the day = done.

If I had the means to set that up, you can be sure as shit that I would send myself on a reconnaissance mission first. You know, for science.

I have no idea, and believe you me, I've watched it enough times that if anyone could have figured it out it would be me. I've decided that it's some sort of feature of the swimsuit. Maybe it has some internal dick-wrangling mechanism? I don't think it's a tattoo, because, while he is super douchey, it takes a special

Hah! Himbo! I've never heard that one. I'm going to have to steal it. He is a fascinating creature.

Even princesses aren't immune.

"If our forms of entertainment actually showed those consequences, like all the overflowing hospitals and morgues, all the families destroyed and all the people hurt by these orgies of violence, maybe we'd be better off."

I, too, am surprised as hell that Christina Millian is still famous enough to have her picture taken by paparazzi, but GOOD LORD! Horrifically ugly bikini or not, I would do some unthinkable things to have her body.

You know what has always weirded me out about Mary Kay? You never hear anything about their products. I feel like with most cosmetics companies you hear something about general quality or one specific product that they're known for. If I think of brand names, I can think of things I've heard about them. I've never

But you can make the biggest smoke rings!

Melissa Leo is nowhere near old enough to play Mags.

Yes, I am always a bit biased in the Goldblum department. He could play Katniss and I'd be down with it.

That is how I pronounce it as well.

Didn't say it meant they're white, but I think it's fair to say that casting someone who is supposed to be "extremely pale, pallid, or drained of color" as white is probably not racist.

I just thought of this, so forgive the double post. You know who would be an awesome Beetee, even though he doesn't necessarily fit the way I imagined him in my head? Jeff Fucking Goldblum.

They were described as having "black hair and ashen skin."

I believe they were described as having "ashen" skin, which I assumed to be a sallow greyish tone.

HOLY SHIT, she's perfect! She's exactly as I imagined Wiress.

I looked at the Miley photos, and HOLY SHIT. Skateboarding without a bra would be SO painful.