
I wouldn't buy a bow until you try the sport out first and see if you like it. Go to a range that offers intro courses. They usually have bows to rent and will help you figure out what draw weight is best for you. It doesn't take a lot of upper body strength to start out at a low draw weight and if you do like it and

I highly doubt that parents are buying their kids adult-sized bows. I know if I had kids I'd rather spend $100 on a Genesis bow than upwards of $400 on an adult-sized Hoyt. I personally think the attention the sport is getting is great. It keeps it relevant and helps fund the ranges that I enjoy being able to shoot at

HAHA! Zing!

Yeah, hon, the pencil falling is a good thing! The pencil test is stupid, but I was always told that if the pencil falls your boobs are perky. Regardless, you shouldn't be worried about this sort of juvenile bullshit. Nice boobs come in all shapes and sizes.

Ha, this is definitely not accurate. My pencil falls but my boobs DEFINITELY need a bra. It would hurt horribly to walk around without a bra and it would look pretty vulgar.

Ah, yes, that can be annoying. Under the shoulder blade sounds like it would look good. I don't think it's an area that will get saggy. In fact, I like that idea so much I might consider it for my next tat.

This is a tough one for me. I actually disagree with what most people are saying in this thread. I very strongly feel that just because your tattoo is in a visible area does not mean that people are entitled to know what it is or what it means. Not everyone gets a tattoo in a visible area because they want it to be

I'd say your back. That's not an area that gets very saggy. Maybe on your shoulder blade?

There are so many scenes that I can think of that would play out so well on a big screen, particularly the last one. I also really love when he's showing Cassie the bomb simulation. It's just so beautifully done. What is it with Danny Boyle and these elegant, thoughtful thrillers? They're the only scary-ish movies I

Ah, okay. I thought they were normal but extra and stuck out. This could be a weird situation in which declawing is actually the *more* humane thing to do. And it's not like it would completely handicap him if it was only the two weird ones you are removing. I definitely think talking to a vet would be a good idea.

Oh, also, I usually clip my cat's nails while she's sleeping. She likes to sleep with me on the couch while I watch TV so when she does this I will get the clippers and slowly and gently clip one by one with intervals of time between each toe until they're all done. She doesn't even wake up if I'm gentle/slow enough!

Ughh I'm visiting my family right now and they don't have Netflix and I don't have my Sunshine DVD! And I really want to watch it now. It's one of my favorite movies as well and the music is so good. I love the combination of the music and the gorgeous effects when they watch Mercury's path across the sun. Sooo

You just trim up to the quick! You don't want to get the quick because they will bleed. Everything up to the quick is just clear nail.


I can't believe people actually stand other people up. That's the rudest thing imaginable.

Ooh let me know what you think!

Wow, that's crazy! That definitely trumps my schedule. At least there are set hours during which I know I will and will not be working. I can imagine not having a concrete schedule would be insanely difficult with kids. You have my deepest sympathies. Are you the mortician that Jez features in the "Ask a Mortician"

Yeah I'm a server and weekends, especially Friday and Saturday, are the best for tips. So it really is financially impractical for me to be taking off so many weekends. I have the same problem with not having a lot of coworkers to cover for me. I'm glad you guys have worked it out a bit! Hopefully I'll figure out a

That sounds like an awesome job! I would love to have a come-to-jesus with him but we've already had so many of those lately in relation to other, bigger problems that I feel like having another one before we've figured out if our other issues are resolved would just be too much. But it's definitely what I should be

Hahahaha that is such a hilarious mix up. It's like the exact opposite of The Bucket List. Your poor mom had no idea what she was getting into.