
Oh god, I know. That scene is incredible. I think that whole final section of the film at the army base/mansion is such a brilliant and fascinating exploration of masculinity.

It's so true. I don't know very much about film, but I was floored. When I think of that movie I don't think about the characters, the themes, or any of the plot, even though all of those things are great. The first thing that comes to mind is the incredible series of shots of the landscape and the sunrise as main

I'm sure he greatly appreciates your consideration! That made me realize that another problem with how my boyfriend handles this is that he acts like everything he wants to do is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER. So there isn't even a "oh well you can miss all of these things but I'd really like it if you'd come to this

Heh...I really enjoyed 28 Days Later for aesthetic reasons as well...

I really enjoyed "No Country for Old Men" aesthetically. I enjoyed everything about it, really, but I thought it was so stunning to look at. #Groupthink

Anyone else have a job that requires them to work weekends often? What about a significant other who isn't very understanding of this?

Wow, you live in the Keys? Super jealous. Which Key?

Me too! How can anyone hate physics?

WHAT ABOUT KRISTEN BELL??? I loved Mia Wasikowska as Jane, but I don't think she can pull off Joanna's rage and overt sexuality.

HAHA I was definitely watching the same thing you were last night. I felt the same way. What an absurd fucking purchase and then you whine about it until others somehow solve your bad decisions for you.

True fact: I've never had the displeasure of boning a man who wasn't down with period sex. This is fortunate because my period usually means SUPERHORNYOVERDRIVE. I mean, even I feel a little weird doing it on the heaviest day but when I use my Diva Cup it keeps the blood contained so well that boyonfire can still go

I wish I could have been there to do this.

Wow, I had no idea!

Someone I know who is from Scotland, still lives there, and has never lived in the US or even been to Florida just posted a FB status congratulating the Heat and proclaiming her love for Lebron James. Wuuut? I didn't know people abroad cared about that stuff.

Oh, see, at the CPSOTTSPWYATSTKAB our mascot was Bret Easton Ellis. We also had to submit all homework assignments as Post Secrets.

The way you talk about meeting your husband makes me feel all squee-y and mushy inside. Your love for him comes through in your words.

Man, back when I was even more of a moron than I am today I thought Californication was a good show. I'll just file that under "The Chuck Palahniuk School of Things That Seem Profound When You are Too Stupid to Know Any Better."

Is this...something you're proud of?

I don't think it's privileged when people of color say that. I think it's really the exact opposite of privileged. But I don't really know where "here" is for you or who you are talking about. When white people say it I guess it is pretty privileged, because it's likely they don't actually know what it's like to truly

I don't think it's "weird" when men have luxurious locks. They aren't under the same pressure as women are to torture their hair into submission, so when men grow their hair out it tends to be soft and flowy the way only non-dyed, non heat-styled hair is.