
You would love this. It's one of my favorites.

I was never told that that is standard, but I do it all the time! It feels so awesome.

Please tell me what the fuck is going on here...

Oh god.

Haha does it make me the grosses person ever that I actually sort of enjoy peeing in my wetsuit? I mean, the ocean is usually cold and it warms you up so much. Plus, I'm already swimming in like whale semen, anyway, so how much grosser can it get, really. And I've always heard you could just barf right through the

Haha I love you because Jane Eyre.

More importantly, how did you manage to make that sound so beautiful? "Delicate hair helices...?" Damn, girl. You're a poet.

I agree entirely, but add "James Deen = sexiest person."

Haha moths?? Those fucking bath salted zombie moths.

Wow, that is amazing! What an incredible story. I don't know if my cat likes me enough to defend me like that, haha.

I don't do drugs very much anymore, but I am a very...I guess you might say skittish? person and I also use my cat as a gauge for when to be afraid. It's nice to see I'm not the only one. I'm afraid of being home alone at night and when I hear a noise I look at her and if she doesn't react I am reassured that it's

It seems like it would be the biggest relief for actresses whose bodies are constantly scrutinized to have career-sanctioned weight gain for a role. I feel like it's the only time it's socially acceptable for women to gain weight, since apparently we aren't allowed to gain weight for pregnancy anymore. From now on

This is the ramifications of the Target "you can be beautiful and brave" slogan right out there in the real world for us to see. Girls grow up into women being told that no matter what they achieve, they need to achieve it while being beautiful.

I'm pro this trend, probably because I have a feeling I'm going end up being that tragically single friend someday and at least this means people will think I'm funny rather than sad.

I read it as "KISS is so uncool that it would seem impossible to make them LESS cool, but that shirt somehow manages to do it."

I didn't say she is a great actor, I said I love her as a person. The only thing I've seen her in is Mad Men and I love Betty, so that helps, but I was only talking about her personality.

I love her too! She reminds me of myself in those sort of social situations, which makes me feel better about how I am. She's not the "ooh let's be best girlfriends and act all silly together" type and people act like this means she's a bitch.

I'm not sure if he knows, but he sure as shit knows where babies come from.

I love you.

Well it's a good thing people with tattoos don't give a flying fuck what you think!