
Yeah, ew, how dare people in food service be individuals who have control over what they do to their bodies. They should exist purely to serve you.

No one is saying he/she was looking for a reason to be offended. He/she (and you) just missed the point of the phrase entirely. It's not being used sincerely. It's a joke about Jewish guilt and about how the common phrase "Nice Jewish Girls don't do ___" clearly doesn't actually mean anything. Hence the capitalization.

EEEEEE!!!! I want to chomp its neck rolls.

This Jew thinks your username is hilarious.

She's not actually saying that "nice Jewish girls don't get knocked up." She's saying it ironically. There's no implication about what people of other races or religions do, it's just a common cliched saying that has all of the weight of Jewish guilt packed into it. That's why she capitalized "Nice Jewish Girls."

Believe me, it was a pleasure doing the research.

I snort-laughed at this. You described my desires perfectly.

"He draws to his feet, balances in the private jet's narrow aisle, points at his crotch, and thrusts his pelvis like a porn star. "I'll tell you what yoga is good for: Fuuuuck-ing," he chimes, in a singsong falsetto, then laughs."

Way to pick the least Finnick-y picture of Taylor Kitsch possible.

Maybe the symbolism of it will make her feel better? Sweet zombie Jesus, why do you care so much?

I LOVE YOU DOMINIC. As if you playing Meriadoc Brandybuck wasn't enough, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for standing up against fuckers! Who on earth could possibly LOSE respect for someone for calling out someone who they suspect/know has beat their significant other? Dom is a class act.

Meh. I'm afraid people are going to get shitty with Katie for making a mountain out of a molehill, but I think it's worth looking at. As a moderately intelligent woman who is talented in certain areas, I constantly feel the conflicting message of "Be anything you want! You are smart and that's awesome! But for the

With all of the drug-addled frolicking in the woods of my adolescence, drug-addled frolicking at music festivals, drunken walks home, and my love of camping and road trips etc., I have become insanely good at peeing outside. One thing that really helps that moglo didn't cover is having something to lean on.

It was a standard issue pose before Angelina did it.

I agree with you, but I don't think this applies to Decker. I'm not even talking about her career as a model. I'm talking about recent photoshoots she's done for magazines - things that are irrelevant to her career as an actress. GQ, FHM, Maxim, etc. If the "anymore" was tacked on the end it would still be I feel bad. I can deal with bad artwork in a memorial/tribute tattoo.

I think it says something like 'you believed in __ lies." Maybe "my lies?" I dunno, but the artwork is...bad. Exceptionally bad.

Google image search her name. You have to go down seven rows of images before there is a picture of her with clothing on, and it isn't for a shoot, it's just a paparazzi photo. This isn't like "oh she posed in a swimsuit once let's all call her a hypocrite." She seems to only pose semi-nude. I don't give a shit that

So funny story...

Yeesh...not a good tattoo.