
Ah okay. I haven't seen any of the movies in question, so I had no idea. I'm casting purely based on looks, haha.

I don't really get the last paragraph. Has Taylor Kitsch actually said he's not going for the role? Or is Doug Barry just snarking for the sake of snarking as usual? Because I really like him for the role.

Oh please. Garebear, you look fine as hell in BOTH pictures. Do you realize that the dilemma here is basically "everyone thinks I look good with BOTH hair styles so I just have to pick which one I look BETTER with!"?

I know...


I LOVE the blue.

I'm Jezeflixing Say Yes to the Dress. Real feminist over here...

What paddlepickle said. We can't just get fat or be ugly and have our talents recognized instead of our appearances, and just be people. We are always, first and foremost, the sum of our appearances.

She said she wanted them to be basics.

Eh, I am of the opinion that On The Road is also "dumb as hell."

Add me to the list of people who were freaking out over a bug on their screen.

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Why? American Apparel used to do it. Their clothing was basic and affordable and ethically made. They've strayed quite a bit from the original model but I think that if they hadn't and if they didn't have Dov they'd still be pretty successful.

Yeah you could never pull the actual string with your mouth. It would be horrible on your teeth and extremely difficult. But with a compound bow (less difficult to pull) and a trigger release, it seems like it's relatively easy. Plus, the fact that her bow arm is so strong (because it's her only arm, so it gets so

I have seen someone with only one arm shoot a bow an arrow with deadly accuracy. She uses her mouth! She has a trigger release clip attached to the string and she uses her mouth to pull it back and bites down on the trigger to release it. She is quite good.

So what you're saying, Christian, is that you have not been misquoted, but you know people think you're an asshole and you are butthurt about it.

Aww! Looks just like my kitty.

I think you answered your own question.

So what you're saying is I need to move to Denmark for my Potterism to be socially acceptable? Noted. Packing my bags as we speak.

Have neither of these women figured out that while their spouses watch hockey they could, you know, do other things?