
How do they barf so much?

I looove stars. The comfort me because I like to feel really insignificant. I'll share one of my best star memories with you since you are a fellow star lover: Years ago I had my heart brutally broken by a man I thought I loved. I left his apartment after he broke up with me absolutely devastated and unsure of even my

I read and enjoy his blog too but I wish he would post more pictures of him and his fantabulous weiner instead of posting pictures of the ladies he's boning.

Wouldn't it be amazing if we could use those things we know the ones...they make us different from animals...common sense and reason and decide not to have sex with someone even though we are attracted to them? Man that sure would would make everything so much easier. The fact that I must have

I'm sorry, but the idea that people who are into Lolita fashion go around claiming that it has any relation to Victorian clothing makes this Victorianist want to hurl.

Ughhh you've told me this before but each time I'm reminded of it I just want to die of envy.

I bet Switzerland is just devastated.

Thank you! I don't know why I've never heard of this.

Yes, because the only people who get married or have friends are high school "mean girls." I was (still am) a nerd and in high school I was an outcast, but you'd best believe that if/when I get married I will be having a raucous bachelorette party with all of my friends. I wouldn't go to a burlesque show for it, but

"I learned the 'sensitive nature' of the attacker matter more than my lightly bruised throat"

He wasn't crying or threatening to commit suicide out of remorse. He told them all that I was lying (and even told me I was lying to my face when I confronted him in front of them) and was crying and threatening suicide presumably to convince people that he didn't do anything.

I actually really like that dress, but why always the awful shoes, Anna!? It's always beige mules or slingbacks!

Ha, yeah. She and I both clearly wanted it. Clearly the lack of kicking and screaming was due to our wanting it so badly, and not the fact that we were asleep. And these poor men. How can they function in such confusing and ambiguous situations? I mean, our lack of consciousness is telling them no but the small puddle

I wish someone would talk about the ways that men try to diffuse responsibility after assaulting someone. Kerry's story is almost exactly like mine. The day after I woke up to being sexually assaulted in no uncertain terms, I told all of our mutual friends about it. My assaulter cried to them and threatened to commit

I'm currently on my period, so I know it's making me more emotional than usual, but I've been feeling unloved and unappreciated for months now. It's just all hitting me like a brick wall right now. A few weeks ago I sort of brought it up and basically was begging him to treat me better and nothing has improved. I

That was me!! I'm so glad I showed ya. And yeah, I love Audrey. I love Sarah too but her style is so not my style.

OH MY GOD YES. Middle Cyclone is one of my favorite albums of all time. OF ALL TIME.

I am seriously going to try that. Thanks for the hugs. I don't know if I should just stop thinking about everything in my life that's going wrong, or think about it in the hopes that I will come to some solution. But physical pain is something I can at least understand.

I just had an argument with my boyfriend and I can't tell if I was overreacting or if he was being genuinely cruel to me, but either way I feel so lonely and unloved. I'm so uncertain about everything. I don't know if he's not treating me well or if I'm just a crazy emotional wreck. I will hopefully be starting

I know, right? There are a lot of things I could do with that money.