Oprah says: “Your ponytailed friends of all ages need these sweet stretchy hair ties in delectable packaging. Let’s face it: Woman cannot live by scrunchies alone
Oprah says: “Your ponytailed friends of all ages need these sweet stretchy hair ties in delectable packaging. Let’s face it: Woman cannot live by scrunchies alone
Bathrobes are not a scam! They are so cozy and warm, which is great if you are waiting for your UberEats outside, or staying home sick, or just trying to summon up the willpower to leave your nice, warm bed for the sad, chilly realities of your basement apartment.
Hid. E. us.
Omg, you were deprived until college. My kids could yes, yes, yes, no, no, no with opposing head movements before they were two.
She literally walked into Benghazi in her camo “action” pantsuit and killed those people herself.
Disagree totally. The Gos is my forever-crush. There is a guy who works at my gym who kind of looks like him and I swear women are soooooo googly eyed over him.
I was using the firing squad words
I’d truly love it if Beyonce would stop wearing the same dress with different embellishments to every event. Her and JLo just never fail to repeat the same look/style over and over again.
I think we’re all missing the real story here, which is that Facegirl is a terrible name for an escort service.
Cafe au laid.
No, just Pandora’s Mouth at this stage. The Box is phase II.
As a work-around
As a childless old hag, I take zero responsibility for any societal decay.
Truly a steal!
Using gay slurs, saying mean things about classmates and inappropriate things about girls? Technology may have changed the platform but it’s safe to say that this generation didn’t invent any of that.
Maybe it’s because I went to a public school, but when I went to high school, we didn’t engage in that sort of beha......
In the last twelve months, I have had the following:
*nerve test + neurologist evaluation for MS, strokes, etc
*breathing test
*rheumatologist appointment
*several GP appointments for pain, nerve issues, whooping cough, allergies, and medication reaction
*~6 blood tests, including inflammation and antibody tests
*Xrays on…
I don’t want Canadian anything. I learned that the hard way after ordering Canadian bacon.