
Beautiful execution, stuck the landing. 10/10


I would have rather to have a gay husband who were my best friend and eat all the stuff I cook without complaining that my shitty ex-husband from real life.

She has a house on a major swath of Long Island, has a hottie Ivy League business professor dude for a hubby who snarfs down everything she makes, a kitchen the size of Texas, her own business empire based on pretty pictures in hardcovers of elegant recipes and her own TV show narrated in her own well-modulated voice,

There is a lightness—something almost resembling naiveté—to Garten’s elitism that separates her from other rich, white, New England-based chefs like, oh, Martha Stewart—who has a heavier, more condescending gaze.

Natalie was a good friend of my family, she was an absolutely amazing woman. The first time I met her she sat with me and helped me with my take home test on Tuck Everlasting from my 6th grade English teacher and called half the questions “bunk” “poppycock” and “bullshit.” She then wrote a note telling my teacher to

Fred Armisen gives me the creeps.

A busload of people and one person acts. (Eventually two.) That’s a scary level of apathy. I know someone is going to say that it was okay for them to not get involved because “you never know” but I’m going to preemptively say fuck that. The aggressor was totally outnumbered and no one had to get physical if they were

Also, don’t reply to me with trolly things like saying American Indians massacred tons of people.

Apparently it’s not Halloween until we have our first racist celebrity costume.

My question is this: How is a Christian organization allowed to do a “Christian interactive experience” haunted house in a government funded public school?

Forced to cancel this event by the ungodly and unchristian I see. Will the persecution of Christians ever end?

You are wrong. Everything is always about Mariah. All others must wait.

This comment is bad.

The double standard perfectly illustrated in three tweets. Amazing. And he clearly sees no contradiction whatsoever.

not certain who shameik moore is but i hope he dies in a fire

I really don’t understand the panic about Wiccans. And I was raised a pretty religious Jew. I remember asking my religious father about Wicca and he said, “they worship rocks and water and stuff.” Which I know is reductive and kind of offensive but they literally just worship nature WHAT IS THE PROBLEM.

Tangential, but I just wanted to share that my Halloween-hating mother who never let my siblings and I dress up and go trick-or-treating as kids (super conservative Christian thing) just got dressed up as a cowgirl and is on her way to a Halloween party. She’s doing so grudgingly, but still, progress!

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.

I never thought I’d be this happy to be without an entry for Pissing Contest.