Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.
Golden Shower
If there were peeing Russian prostitutes, you know he would have ordered them to urinate on each other, not on him. He loves things he perceives as degradation and domination of women, so that would fit. He would probably ask them for other kinds of servicing too, but I can’t see him putting himself in a submissive…
Can it happen when he is driving around Pence, McConnell and Ryan?
I would have gone with “Apple”. I mean, he steals everyone else’s jokes, so why not steal kids’ names too?
Yes. They literally need to speak to him as if he has the mental capacity of a five year old.
I’m beginning to think the people claiming early onset Alzheimer’s may be on to something. He’s become noticeably more incoherent as the months drag on.
“At the end of 8 years”. Oh go fuck yourself
He has the mental capacity of a 5-year-old
Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.
Uh, boys, if I may quote the great Betty White: Balls are weak and sensitive; vaginas can take a pounding.
Yep. Even though it was the candidate with “balls” who talked to coal miners about hair spray.