
I love the end of the livestream I saw where the cops pull his mask off in front of everyone and then basically parade him in front of the people he was antagonizing. The kid looks TERRIFIED and it is sooooo very satisfying.

So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?

Ann Coulter doesn’t have the stamina to be a professional troll. Have you seen her lately? Something’s really wrong with her, a lot of people are saying. Had to cancel an event. Sad!

The Tom Hiddleston Interview photos look like the theme was “BDSM Hitler Youth”.

1- chateau thelma- FUCKING DEAD

I don’t think Mariah knows her.

ok, we will, but they’ll need a lot of water and attention to really thrive.

I know what they are! Aristolochea littoralis (plant nerd here).

Vagina Lasering is my drag name.

Me looking at this collection:

I always make false rape allegations because it makes my life better and easier.


I guess they lit this show this badly hoping people wouldn’t notice how ugly everything is. Makes sense.

Keep in mind, this is what Trump has stated he wants to do with our National Debt. I imagine our country creditors will look on that just as fondly.

So, wait, you’re saying when ol’ Donnie signs a contract, he’s not telling it like it is??

Apparently what you do is clean them and toss them into a freezer bag until you have at least a dozen then you boil them and scoop out the brain.

Thank you for pixellating the sqerel’s face to preserve it’s dignity.

In LA we juice our squirrels


So how did he get the squirrel? Is it roadkill? Is there a Critter Purveyor with a cart that goes school to school?