Buena Vista Antisocial Club

Ugh! Shawn Spencer’s dad, how could you?!

The victims are the local Bahamians (?), contractors, and employees who got roped into this. Many working 20 hour days leading up to the “event” and cleaning up afterwards.

On the one hand, McFarland is an even dumber Trump and should never get money for anything. And paying sources for interviews is definitely bad journalism. So ethically, yeah, I see the argument against paying him.

Ithink we all know it’s not his mother he wants to fuck.

The first thing She needs to learn is to not say the quiet part aloud. Her language is a gift to the President’s supporters. She will now be dismissed as a foul mouthed Trump hater. How does She expect to remove the President when McConnell won’t even bring the bill to reopen government to a vote? Trump is counting on

“I was a little bit busy running around the country

All religions should lose tax exempt status. If they want tax exempt status they should have to abide by the rules that secular non-profits abide by and prove they’re actually doing something good.

Debbie real dead.

Yeah, ok, maybe he was a weird and borderline criminal obsession with teenage girls but on the other hand you have to admit that his movies are some terrible overwritten bullshit. 

Can someone die of schadenfreude? Asking for me.

Sounds about White.

Those virginity comments did suck, but I’m more upset that pr teams pushing the sexy virgin thing and journalists who felt the need to ask teenagers about their sexual activity in the first place.

But where or how was Portman living that she was confused because someone who wore a bikini wasn’t having sex ?

I mean, I would argue her brand is more equivalent to a Justin Timberlake (though infinity better).  He’s a male performer who is pop and does a ton of costume changes.  They are both full performers (singer and dancer).

They then parlay that fake helplessness into blaming women for, you know, existing. And having bodies.

It is amazing how men like Offset have managed to convince society they are helpless sex addicts, always at the mercy of their genitals. What a scam. It is just contempt. They feel entitled to getting their every whim fulfilled with utter disregard for their partners and children. They don’t give a shit. That’s all.

It’s so amazing that Cardi B has finally figured out that the problem with Offset is Offset, not every woman in his immediate vicinity. 

You put it pretty strongly, but I think you’re right in the particulars:

Pardon me for being an old fart, and pre-internet internet user (BITNET, anyone?), but this is just more fallout from the terrible misdirection away from self-hosting that happened as the 2000's got underway.

Mostly, Tumblr’s decision makes O’Neil feel unwelcome on a platform that she’s called home for a decade.