Buena Vista Antisocial Club

Double-triples are the woooooorst. I lived in one for a minute and it went poorly. One of my roommates and I didn’t get along (interestingly it was partially also over who got which bunk) and while some of it was actual issues, there is no way that squishing three perfect strangers into an extremely small room wasn’t

I believe that dude might have been 6'3" a long time ago (although Google reports him as 6'2"), but he is 70. He’s shrinking. I doubt he’s over six feet anymore.

Portland is almost comically liberal. You’ll be fine there, although the ocean is an our or two away. Just watch out for rural Oregon and rural Washington.

You do that too?! I always think of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon as South Canada.

I don’t know, it’d be kind of fun if the liberal justices forced them to hear it just to bring the Hobby Lobby decision back up and press on how that religious liberty is different from this religious liberty.

Not to mention I wonder how that would work in the case of social security or military survivor’s benefits. Do you designate a recipient spouse? Is it divided equally among your spouses? What happens if the spouse dies without a will? Who makes the end of life decisions?

“The dog ate my debate prep” is so perfectly rude that when it’s aimed at Drumpf I can only cheer. Cher for press secretary.

Substitute Mexican food for macaroni and cheese and fanfiction sex scenes for football and you are looking at my weekend. Plus studying, of course.

Christ on an entire box full of crackers am I glad to see you guys. I had an absolutely awful week. I attended an awful wedding where I was so miserable that I got way more drunk than I normally ever get just to get through it. Weddings are exceptionally hard on me because I often feel very weird about my lack of

I read that and IMMEDIATELY thought how paternalistic it sounded. “I’m not mad, just disappointed and sad.” I think it’s his subtle way of trying to insinuate that she fucked up.

OK man I am 1000% in sympathy of you. I also have to go to a wedding I do not want to go to for a distant cousin who I dislike. I’m going to make my mother happy, not because I want to go. This is compounded by my singleness, the fact that every family event feels like a two hour marathon of subtle insults, stress

In the words of John Oliver, “you can’t do anything to us that we are not already actively doing to ourselves. You don’t frighten me. I FRIGHTEN ME.”

I question the Hell out of anyone with that many icons on his desktop.

I guess I better start eating dinner at 4:30 and eating pudding because this lot is beyond, especially Lady Look At My Pregnancy.

I was in Yellowstone last summer and a park ranger actually had to tell some tourist with a camera not to get closer to a mama grizzly with her cubs when they were feeding. That seems like very basic common sense to me, but apparently that’s not even the stupidest thing the rangers have to deal with in a given week.

I was at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone last year and depending on where you are, there are stone walls lining most of the lookout points and metal guard rails along the road next to the canyon. Neither is enough to entirely prevent an accident, but I find this news surprising.

Maybe instead of the painting rotting away it’s her personality?

Bird’s gotta fly, fish has gotta swim, Ann Coulter’s gotta say something breathtakingly offensive. She’s fine with it. I hope the test it is are never fine with it, though.

I mean, whatever’s going on I feel pretty confident that we’re in the darkest timeline.