Buena Vista Antisocial Club

That tweet makes me want to punch my computer monitor.

I hope he loses his Senate race this year. I know he probably won’t. But he deserves to.

Wait, that’s an actual title? How?!

This is a worthwhile goal.

I will never understand people who are totally like “yeah, lemme call this person I’m passingly acquainted with and ask them for stuff.” Hell, I have a hard enough time asking my friends for a ride to the airport.

Yeah, it’s probably not the takeaway I should have, but my initial reaction to all of this was “you motherfuckers traded these lives so cheaply.” That was beyond infuriating.

Kind of ironic that they trained all their viewers to distrust the media and the government and now that even Fox thinks they’re off the deep end, those viewers are doing exactly what Fox taught them. Irony’s a bitch, ain’t it, Fox?

It just keeps going. Relatively easy access to guns. Entitlement. Treating women as second class citizens. How much more must we take before we, as a nation, get our shit together?

Cripes, now I feel lucky that I didn’t get gobbled/dead that time I went swimming at South Beach.

This is too real.

To be fair, his nude color appears to be “rotting pumpkin pie filling” and I’m sure you’re some lovely normal shade, hence why you’re still looking.

There’s something about that last expression he makes that is both mesmerizing and infuriating.

I was just a year or two younger than you were when Columbine happened. I was completely shocked. I remember crying because these were kids, just like me. Now it’s been so long and we’ve had so many shootings that all I can think is “I just hope this never happens to me.” That’s fucking wrong. We should be working to

“In other news, water is still wet and gravity still works.” Was basically my reaction.

I’ve shot hunting rifles mostly, but never a handgun or anything that could hold more than two shotgun shells at a time.

I would argue that more than Trump looking like Hitler, our country is starting to look similar to 1930s Germany. You had a major economic depression followed by a time where a minority was beginning to gain traction. Those who had been previously “better than” the minority were told they were slipping down the ladder

Y U try to confuse me more?!

I always figure that part out eventually, but it does take awhile. Maybe I just need more coffee.

I keep thinking it’s that Marvel villain from the cut scene from the first Avengers movie.