(Because I have no life...)
(Because I have no life...)
that song has always given me the creeps and im always called a deborah downer when i change it.
I think that ties into #8. You hear a lot of “couldn’t be me” when something happens. After the Kavanaugh hearings, I was watching a panel of people on CNN who were asked what they thought and one woman said she 100% believed Christine Blasey Ford. Another woman who did not believe Dr. Ford was like, well, I know if I…
At first I was reminded of Witchie-Poo from H.R. Puffinstuff; but when I thought back to my older bother’s Parliament Funkadelic album covers and posters...that shit is just funkdafied. So kudos.
I remember when people used to consider what Slim from 112 did as pushing the boundaries of singing. I also remember when Trey Songz was known as Goat Throat. Here we are though. That slippery slope has led us to Homeroom Hakeem getting on the Soul Train Awards for doing karaoke. It’s inflated his ego to the point he t…
“That motherfucka saw me!”--Black Santa
let’s also remember Black Santa as he lived, unable to hail a taxi
Rihanna did it better 🤨
I’m surprised that Kimbra isn’t getting any year-end list love. Primal Heart was a nice return to form after her sophomore slump. I’d also put in a mention of Tilian’s solo record, which was a really surprising bit of pop rock from a post-hardcore performer.
That one is frustrating.
I got to 1000 without spending a dime. But I refused to link it to my account, phone died, and lost it all. Spending a lot of time bussing to work and back + changing the phone date to get more lives helped.
Wish her well on dealing with her depression.
I’ve not invested a nickel, but somehow am at level 1935. I’m not proud of this.
Honestly Kodak shouldn’t do interviews at all. Ever. Listening to him was painful.
Just wait until he's 17 and goes through the mini-hotep phase.
Y’all gonna have to explain to me the “threat” Kev posed to warrant a conspiracy to take him down. What issues he at the forefront of? What challenges he presenting the system? What thoughts his material provoke that upset the setup? He ain’t Richard Pryor at the Hollywood Bowl.
Well, he hasn’t devolved down to Robin Thicke levels of sad clownishness and put out an album. But it’s still early...
They're probably "work friends" (he just doesn't know it). There's only so many people who know what life in the WH is like, but I doubt they're going to book clubs or Sunday farmer's market together. But Michelle is to good to let him down. I bet she even has one of his paintings.
It pains me to quote Bieber (seriously I deleted and rewrote this multiple times...), but “My momma don’t like you and she likes everyone” is fitting for Michelle.
I couldn’t have said it better than than this piece and Michelle’s eyebrows articulated it. I just can’t with this sniveling little bitch baby who sits on every chair like a toilet.