But she is explaining how it goes. Oprah has zero rhythm. The electric shuffle, which I have actually seen a Dominican priest do in his habit and sandals, preceded by the Macarena during a church festival, was an even bigger embarrassment.
But she is explaining how it goes. Oprah has zero rhythm. The electric shuffle, which I have actually seen a Dominican priest do in his habit and sandals, preceded by the Macarena during a church festival, was an even bigger embarrassment.
Oprah is the whitest African-American woman I have ever seen. She even had issues doing the Electric Slide with Tyler Perry and let’s not get started on her attempt to do the “oh-oh” dance from Crazy in Love with Bey...
She is not banned. She can’t tweet without running what she wants to say through two people because of dumb drunk tweeting. It’s different.
Say what you want about Casper Smart - his ink is cooler than that godawful back tattoo (says the woman with multiple tats in black ink herself.)
Oh, for the love of... Are these women not getting well fucked? Because it’s the only thing that comes to mind! While VERY far away from the source material, it IS a fun show (and this comes from someone who has several years of Mark Pellegrino playing Luci on “Supernatural” fantastically well) and I absolutely love…
I honestly don’t know. I have done a lot of indie stuff that as far as I can tell got made because someone had a very lovely grandmother who couldn’t say no.
I will star your comment for your name only. #BTVS represent!
Oh, I believe it. I have worked on some stuff that makes me wonder how it got made too...
Indeed, the following year after her Oscar win, with said statuette in hand. Sandra’s win was more remarkable because it was the same year, within 24 hours of each award.
This is why I love Sandra Bullock. The same year she won the Oscar, she won a Razzie the evening before for that weird stalker movie she made with Bradley Cooper, I think. Not only did she show up to accept the Razzie, she showed up with one of those little wagons for kids piled up with copies of the movie for…
Hey! I subtitled that movie in Spanish last year. I actually liked it!
I cleaned the microwave last week, so I don’t need to do it again. I was doing great with the living room and then there was a work emergency that I had to sort out. I have picked up 90% of my living room floor, but The Darkness® is napping on the cat tree and I can’t well bother him with the blue!Dalek, now can I?
Can they take mine and give it to someone who wants it and is willing to put up with the b.s. of having one every month, or maybe not, ‘cause I’m older, but then it will surprise you and go all out when it remembers to work properly? (I’m 49 and have suffered with horrendous cramps since age 12, with no kids to show…
Irrelevant guy who appeared on a dating TV show and proved to be an asshat IRL.
Okay, as a Bowie fan, I like this tribute better than Gaga’s, though I loved hers too. I think the key difference is what the homage was being paid to - in this case, it was Bowie and his music. It had his voice, his band and a fantastically done song (and btw - how good does Lorde look? I am so glad she trimmed her…
I adore Kate McKinnon. Because of work, I had to translate the subtitles to “The Spoils Before Dying,” the Funny or Die weird genre-spoof thing with Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig (whom I dislike enormously). Kate had a wee part in it and she totally stole the scene she was in.