I'm so sorry robotbeepbeep. That is a "make you lose all faith in mankind" kind of cruel. If you ever need help rigging the death-traps or you need someone in a pig-mask & black cloak to abduct them & bring them to u just say so.
I'm so sorry robotbeepbeep. That is a "make you lose all faith in mankind" kind of cruel. If you ever need help rigging the death-traps or you need someone in a pig-mask & black cloak to abduct them & bring them to u just say so.
People who prey on the weak and elderly are the lowest of the low. I'd help you light the matches.
10 years ago my grandfather had dementia and after he died we found out that he had been duped by con artists over the phone into signing up for so many scams it was hard to keep them all straight. Took out a first and second mortgage on their house (of which the lent money vanished), signed up for more credit cards…
Dear god. Same here, when I was in my last place. The property manager was so insanely attractive and all I wanted to do was $%^$*)¡™£¢∞§¥˙©†ƒ√ç∂´≈ß∑∂´†§˙¥¶•©†.
I can cuss fairly well, since I was raised in Brooklyn (back when we were a different country) and did a stint in the Navy.
Well, I mean, not me, because I'm married, but I've seen it happen before. It's not illegal, though some people might see it as unethical. It's not a situation I would ever want to be in since I'm not able to separate the professional and personal parts of my relationships very well, but there are plenty of people…
There's a fine line between flirting and sexual harassment, but I don't think it's really too tough to see the distinction. It's usually pretty obvious if the other party is interested or not. On the other hand, it's definitely not appropriate to introduce yourself by basically telling someone you want to have sex…
I'm a property manager myself, and we are very careful to remain above reproach on sexual harassment. It's really not hard to do, but somehow we hear stories about it all the time from new tenants about previous landlords.
How the bookcase got into your pajamas, we'll never know.
Daniel Holtzclaw, you are an embarrassment not just to men, but to all mankind. Only the weakest person would prey on the defenseless. If there were any practical way that I could strangle you to death with my bare hands, I would. Unfortunately, the damage has been done, and nothing can fix that. My only hope is…