Whispering into the Wind

“Working together has given me an even greater appreciation for just how effective she is with everything she does”...

Ah yes, the old strategy of not actually asking any real questions so you will have the chance to get paid to not ask real questions again at a later date! What a useful journalistic strategy for getting information and truth out in the world. I wonder why so many people criticize it. 

Wow, Van Jones needs to hand in his journalist card. ‘America’s Prince’? I’m so embarrassed for him right now. 

Now playing

I refuse to acknowledge a reality where Jared’s voice doesn’t sound like this:


American prince? Pull your tongue out of his asshole, jesus christ. Have some dignity. 

Surprise! He didn’t even HAVE a boom to lower. Jones seems to have turned into a remora, sucking up to the sharks.

having a liberal commentator interview a Trump administration official

The issue with using a friendly interview to expound on their positions is that they don’t have any positions. They just react and flail around for solutions based on what they heard most recently, who’s paid them the most, or the opposite of whatever Obama did. There are people there with firm objectives, but those

Van Jones operates under the delusion that making these assholes look more sympathetic to liberals is going to result in great societal progress. How about interviewing a Trans person or Guatemalan asylum seeker and try humanizing them to mainstream America?

This murder-excusing shitbird is Trump’s go-to man for Mid East situation. this guy, the Barney Fife of international extortion and grift schemes.

Let’s not misrepresent that two cops have wrestled a man to the ground, tasered him twice in an effort to get him over onto his stomach, then once they had succeeded in getting him onto his stomach two MORE cops rush in so that three of them can hold the man down while the fourth cop proceeds to beat the now helpless

The fact that he’s alive, and that they just gangbeat him instead of simply shooting him, can serve as an easy counter to those upcoming trolls.

There is the assumption that it is just so plainly obvious, but you know, with asshats today, my over-the-top sarcasm is their morning conversation.

Exactly this. Preach on brother.

What a waste of resources. If the guy was black, it would have just taken one officer and one bullet.

First they came for...

Standard procedure for America's premier street gang.

This is truly the American dream.  One day, we may live in a society where police completely abuse their power regardless of race, ethnicity, or creed. Brings a tear to my eye.

It says something about 2018 America that as I read/watched this, the only thing I’m surprised by is that it’s a white guy being savagely beaten by a dozen cops.