Whispering into the Wind

Well, Bannon was on the out’s with Hump, so maybe... Or is he back in his good graces, or possibly back out I again? I...actually have no motivation or desire to keep up with such things, but, yeah, not holding my breath.

Well played. I was not quick enough.

“the point of court hearings is to allow both sides to present their arguments in the hope of influencing the court in its decision(s)”

Tiring at times, certainly, but infuriating and invigorating at times as well. Idk, we all certainly deserve a catnap every now and then, but I’m not, and I know you’re not, going to be taking a heavy slumber anytime soon.

Nah, people still soak it up. After all, most goppers are just temporarily inconvenienced millionaires.


That’s a really interesting question. I don’t honestly know the answer to that, and I’d really like to. I suspect it’s probably not a simple matter, at least in some respects.

They still wear wigs in Britain, for crying out loud.

It’s not that any of it was surprising, in it’s existence at least, and to some extent it’s degree, but reading People’s History of the United States and Lies My Teacher Told Me recently, the unabashed reality of the real history of the indigenous people of the Americas (amongst others, of course) and their

You’ve missed my point entirely. Remember how the NRA was suddenly pro-gun control when the Black Panthers started open carrying in California a number of tens of years ago? Open carry is for white people. Period.

You would think by now that I would be used to his complete and total lack of empathy, but it still infuriates me to no end.”

You don’t toss away a good dildo. You toss off a good dildo.

Aww, I thought it said porno.

Yup, she’s pretty much at the right height.

“the flaming ball of fire at the center of our Solar System”

the new Apple Pencil”

Such an amazing header picture. I was staring at it for a while when I realized, “oh, yeah, of course all those stars are in the foreground, the Clouds are in the background”.

I thought it was some white dude talking, and twice, in the same clip, caught myself “why are they dubbing some random guys voice over Kanye West”?