
Amazinh that people still keep giving work to a studio that has never made a good game.

Why is she called Lauren Hernandez in the first line of the story, and Lauren Sanchez everywhere else in the story?

Conservatives are a death cult with a special boner for child death. The health angle would thus also be a total non-starter. The only thing these ghouls would let you replace a carton of milk with on a child’s lunch tray is a loaded gun.

Just a reminder that the creator of FNAF is a MAGA CHUD and supporting this movie further lines his coffers to continue making donations to facists.

While white dudes obviously shouldn’t be centered in these conversations (I appreciate John foregrounding the foundational work of Joy Buolamwini) given their privileges and omnipresence in the field, editorials like this are necessary as often they’re the only folks people in power will listen to.

It’s wonderful to read these stories. Link’s name comes (apocryphally?) from him being designed to be a player’s ‘link’ into the game world. It’s wonderful that as that world, and the character, have been afforded greater definition through technology and design norms iterating, that thoughtful choices about the

Gundam 79 is one of the best stories ever told in the medium. Z and ZZ are more seriously flawed, but also have a lot of fun stuff going on.

Yes, he would. Not every country in the world is like our shit hole country, which had sold off the potential for an actually decent transport infrastructure to the automotive industry.

In what way is she terrible? Sex work is work. Her job harms fewer people than the cueball dingus who owns her streaming platform.

Waypoint Radio has been my favorite podcast since it debuted, and Waypoint’s criticism has been the best in the business, bar none. This really sucks.

anMaybe if it launched as an actual game creation platform, and not an exclusive console game with a ticking clock over its head from the moment it debuted, it would have attracted more creatives. As it stands, there was zero incentive to invest substantial creative time to make stuff you don’t own that will certainly

Do you have short memory, or are you just a big W fan who wants to ignore the hundreds of thousands of deaths he is responsible for?

Fwiw, Walt Disney was a Nazi (sorry, “member of the American Bund”), and collaborated with Nazis (sorry “reformed German scientists”) on park attractions.

I mean, most boomers I know are at least aware of Tetris...

It’salso a shame to see the completely cromulent and laudable ‘ACAB’ lumped in with homophobia and hate.

The social construction of the end of the pandemic is such a stupid, dangerous, craven thing. Between 300 and 500 people are dying A DAY in the USA from COVID, and nowadays more than half of those deaths are vaccination breakthrough cases (despite the lie that’s it’s a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”).

But I wanna play my stupid nostalgic licensed garbage game that materially and rhetorically empowers a powerful transphobes who endorses violence against trans youth without feeling bad about it! You big bully! How dare you judge me for my inexcusable and easily avoided actions!

If Ford were alive to profit from their sale, yeah, I sure as fuck wouldn’t be lining his coffers.

Transphobes lead to dead trans kids. Highlighting this fact, and calling attention to deadly transphobes, is not bullying, it's a ducking public service, you concern-trolling goober.

“After" would imply the pandemic is over. It ain't.