Based on the review, it seems about on par with the original, which was fun, but was no great shakes in the visual design, writing, or acting department.
Based on the review, it seems about on par with the original, which was fun, but was no great shakes in the visual design, writing, or acting department.
There’s a second secret sound, too, when you hold the button down on all four controllers.
On the other hand, how many times have cops killed benign mentally ill people while claiming in their reports that the person they murdered was a violent, dangerous, criminal?
That moment when you realize Kinja has so poisoned the once fantastic commenting community of the AV Club that it's used as an epithet by members of the *Kotaku* commenting community...
It’s also noting that racists (including American conservatives and Israeli supporters of its apartheid ethno-state) also intentionally conflate Jews with Israel so they can cower behind allegations of antisemitism when their Islamophobia, racism, and endorsement of genocide is criticized.
So Cawthon donated a sizable sum of the game proceeds to Trump’s 2016 run - I wonder what percentage of every ticket sale is ending up in the coffers for that asshole’s 2024 run?
If what Hamas is doing is genocide, then we need a new, bigger word for the much higher body count and deliberately eliminationist objectives attending Israel’s actions. Unjustifiable-Inexcusable-Ultra-Evil-Child-Targeting-Imperial-Colonial-Ubermurder, maybe?
You know it's been a minute since I've seen a gaming comment thread headed up by someone so racist that they endorse genocide. This takes me back to those heady days of the mid-teens with GamerGate and Trump Ascendant.
Apologies if you’re terminally ill, but if you’re not, you could, just, you know, watch an episode or two a week for a year or two, and then watch the new show. It’ll still be there.
What’s harder for me to reconcile is how adult Ahsoka is weirdly orthodox/conservative Jedi for some reason, despite being completely (and justifiably) disillusioned with the order in her young adulthood.
AMCA does also have a very good ‘skip list’ if you're looking for one!
I highly recommend the A More Civilized Age podcast. The commentary is fantastic, unpacking the details of good episodes, and making the many rough episodes worth watching just to hear what the AMCA folks’ reaction would be. I avoided Clone Wars (and non-film Star Wars) completely, but that podcast sucked me in. It…
The conservative corporate defender has taken up arms against the conservative barely-literste troll. This comment thread has officially become a microcosm of the Disney/DeSantis feud!
People who don’t have the condescending attitude that five-year-olds deserve mindless garbage recognize that you can pitch a movie at five year olds that actually respects them rather than just trying to sell them something. Happy Meals and algorithmically generated YouTube nonsense videos are also pitched at…
Another important variable is that, historically, that $70 is extremely low for what a lot of “average gamers” expect from a game. A top-tier RPG in 1995 cost $80, which is about $160 in 2023 dollars.
She makes a date with Elan and is stood up. She is visibly blushing and flattered when Guel gives her romantic attention. It’s pretty overt that she's bi/pan.
“We had to dumb it down so Americans would watch it.”
Did Ezra ever have his hair parted like that?
I remember when, as part of a Feminist Wiki Edit-a-Thon, I created a page for award-winning game designer and artist Nathalie Lawhead, and how much pushback I got from self-appointed editorial gatekeepers about whether she had the notoriety to warrant a page.