
Here's the thing- you shouldn't HAVE to buy it.  I very rarely buy TV shows (or movies, for that matter).  I rent.  I'm happy to give them my money, but I'm not willing to shell out $60 or whatever HBO sets are going for these days for a show I don't even know I'm going to like.  I'll gladly rent at the much more

THAT I would pay to see in IMAX.

Oh, it'll be profitable.  Creatively bankrupt, sure.  But profitable.  Because blue people and shooting and 3D and stuff.

I didn't think it was as bad as the third, I'll give it that.

Absolutely.  "The Matrix" was far and away the better movie (between it and "Avatar.")  The sequels were fucking atrocious.  That's what happens when you have a movie that wraps up perfectly and is completely self-contained and you try to expand it for sequels.  There's nothing there, and you're invariably going to

Could he go back and add in a decent plot instead?

Tell me…how do you feel about dating nerds from comment sections?

I was wondering the same thing.  I was thinking, either Pants is a huge dick, or he's just giving Giamatti shit, not realizing how it comes off in print.

Really?  I musta forgot.

I guess I've already told you about my condition.

That's it!  You're Mr. Manager now.

…is awful, painfully unfunny and a blowhard.

Are you trying to sell me on Jesus?

This movie will be fun for the whole family!

Someone get this man a sitcom.

I'm only teasing, Little Emma Adderall. 

That says more about you (and your generalization of younger generations) than it does anyone else.  If being rude to other people is a generational thing, and wanting people to be polite and being polite to other people makes us "old" then our society really is doomed.

Sister Mary Francis- if you really ARE a sister (and I have my doubts), the tone of your message seemed to convey, "This is what I do, why doesn't it work for everyone else?"  Especially the line, "…worrying or bitching about it would just keep me distracted, and I'd end up ruining the film for myself," which seemed

Well, she caught enough of it to get the gist.  The funny guy with the raspy voice and the clowny dude with the silly makeup were friends by the end, right?

The pacifist in me was with you until that second paragraph.  The movie lover in me was with you all the way.