
Yeah, you're totally right.  I'm an idiot.  Sorry, Triolobiter.

To be fair, it's not just teenagers that do this.  I don't see too many older people texting, but there are a lot of people in their twenties who do this, too.  Since I'm turning 30 next year, as long as you wait until March of 2013 to start applying the rule, I'm all for banning everyone under 30.

I hate the draft, but I hate obnoxious people who text during movies even more.  So you can see my dilemma.


Um…yeah, they are.  I bet there are a lot of people who stay home because of this stuff.  I know I am, and judging by how many people have chimed in here, it seems I'm not alone.  This has become a HUGE problem in recent years.

Actually, I love the idea that they think they have total control of their life and can be little assholes to people and completely get away with it, only to get smacked in the face by reality in their mid-twenties.

It's actually refreshing to hear this.  I know not all teenagers are assholes, I know that, maybe even the majority of them aren't.  But there are SO MANY I see at movies being assholes.  It's refreshing to see the occasional person jump in and say, yeah, I'm young, but I actually have some class and respect for other

You're part of the problem, TEENAGER.

It was the horse urine that got me.

…"when obviously the creations of the fuckin' universe wasn't enough to entertain people."

Exactly.  It's annoying and a bit rude, but that might be forgiven if only because popcorn is all part of the experience, and a little noise is understandable.  Talking during a movie is not.

Where ever you live, I want to go there.

"And how long would it take me to drive there?!"

That's fine for you, and I'm glad that your tolerance level is higher than mine (and a lot of people's) but that doesn't work for everyone.  By that same logic, you can't complain about someone talking at a really loud volume right next to you, because then maybe it's YOUR fault for not being able to ignore them and

Things We're Barely Tolerating This Week: Texting during movies.  And soap.

I feel so old saying this, but yeah, I kind of agree.  I mean, live and let live, in a way.  If that's what you want to do, if you have ADD to the point that you just can't bring yourself to sit still and enjoy the experience, you have to half pay attention to the movie and half pay attention to texting your friends

I would disagree with that.  Especially with comedies.  There's something to be said for the communal experience of laughing with three hundred other people all sharing the same moment.  It's a lot of fun.  But it's been ruined since no one seems to understand how to be fucking polite anymore, so I'd rather just stay

We had a lot of older people, but unfortunately, there are still some obliviously annoying people in that crowd, too.  We had a couple of people to the right of us who would NOT SHUT UP.

I understand what you're saying, Mikel, and in principle I kind of agree, but this is the reality we live in now.  People are going to be rude no matter what, unless you strictly enforce the rules.  I think ideally there would be no surcharge for quiet screenings, and really, it would still work in the theater's

…Except the Alamo Drafthouse.  And that's why it's awesome.