Giovanni's Roomba

Yeah, the plot was nothing and the acting by-the-book, but the look of that thing, my god. I was recommending it to people based on that alone.

Of all the offspring she definitely has the best chance of becoming a normal human being, although the jury's still out: she could turn into Ivanka Redux or get sucked into a Lohan lifestyle.

I saw Einstein on the Beach in Toronto a few years ago and it was the most overwhelming artistic experience I have ever had. I was so possessed by it that I had to go see it again the next night. There is nothing on Earth like a really great opera: movies or theatre don't even come close.

I'll assume you've tried, but there are lots of operas available for free online if you haven't. Just this evening I watched an early Monteverdi opera with English subtitles and it was terrific (…, and if you like more modern stuff, The Opera Platform usually has a dozen or so on tap, most

Salome doesn't go on forever. It's maybe a hundred minutes. Daphne is about 105 and Elektra is about 110. In comparison, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is 138 minutes and Batman vs. Superman is 183.

"Boudoir" is from "bouder", "to pout, to sulk", and so a boudoir was a place where a woman could go when she's having a snit, a place where a man wouldn't follow her. I don't know how it came to mean "bedroom" or "fuck palace" or whatever.

Jesus, he really didn't understand the book. I mean, just for starters, the mere fact that he could write a sentence that contains the passage "bitter, barren aristocratic women…hire fertile 'handmaids'" means he didn't understand that "hiring" has nothing to do with it — that the entirety of society has been

It's like eating in the private kitchen of a delightful Italian stereotype!

Some have coffee, some don't. They are milkshakes, though.

Setting > General > Keyboard > Enable Dictation (down at the very bottom).

It's exactly like a spice weasel.

Yeah, that was weird. She's right that you're not transforming the salt's flavour, but sometimes you want salt that's basically dust and sometimes you want something chunkier, and with an adjustable grinder you can just buy cheap kosher salt and get any texture you like. There's nothing wrong with having a salt pig

I wasn't comparing Rick to Jerry, but you have to admit that he's a tiresome drip. All that whining!

Didn't he use the same joke in Community?

But the show had him be a completely ineffectual, waffling, useless, pathetic glob for two complete seasons: I'm happy they got rid of him if for no other reason than that he was the least interesting thing in any of the universes. If they'd given him one strength or skill, just one, I might have been sorry to see him

Brown isn't a colour: most of what we call brown is orange or yellow-orange, although you can make any colour brown by adding its complement. The colours are the primaries red, yellow, and blue; the secondaries orange, violet, and green; and the tertiaries red-orange, yellow-orange, blue-violet, red-violet,

People who put out bird feeders are extremely choosy about the kind of birds they want at their feeders. It's practically racist. My mom spent god knows how much time and money on her bird feeders, and god knows how much energy inveighing furiously about the cowbirds, bluejays, and such (and also squirrels and

And I just got back from a weekday matinee and couldn't agree more. It was terrific.