Giovanni's Roomba

Well, she has a bunch of guns and she doesn't like you. You're right to be scared.

You know the answer to that is "money". The answer is always money, sooner or later. He convinces parents that under his tutelage their daughter will be the next Beyoncé or Rihanna, they see fame and fortune (and don't get me wrong, you can't blame them for that), and away he goes.

She does have that vibe, doesn't she? She would probably also ask to speak to your manager, and then lie about the situation.

This one isn't.

Yeah, they always seem to be talking about increasing the human lifespan, but obviously everything is just going to get shittier and more painful as the decades pass: if most people are creaking bonepiles at seventy or eighty, what are they going to be like at a hundred and thirty? What they really ought to be looking

Disqus has randomly decreed that for the time being I can't post an image, so you'll just have to click on this page from Roz Chast's "Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?", about the gradual and then rapid, expensive, and horrifying decrepitude of her parents.

We were promised a lot of things: meals in a pill, walkie-talkies in our shoes, cities on the moon. Where's MY city on the moon?

But would justice be served if he ended up a vegetable? I want him to understand everything that's happening to him and yet be powerless to prevent it. I want him to lose everything he's ever had. I want him to suffer as much as he's made others suffer for his entire filthy miserable life.

Oh, we don't need anything. Just a phone call every now and then to let us know how you're doing.

Dump enough sugar and cream in there, it's delicious.

Also Four Rooms, Fermat's Room, Green Room, Boiler Room, and me.

Canadian Netflix has it.

Oh, there are movie talkers in Canada. Also texters, crinkly-candy-wrapper unwrappers, people who sit in the middle of the row and then leave and re-enter the cinema repeatedly during the movie, and noisy eaters and drinkers. We're not all magically polite up here.

It is called duck tape, because it used to be made of cotton duck (a kind of canvas, from the Dutch word for linen) with adhesive backing. It can't be used for ducts because it's useless in the heat: you have to use foil tape for that. Any time anyone says duct tape, they're wrong and you're right.

Pfft. Like we haven't heard every possible joke and insult. We accept it all with good grace, and then we get you proper drunk and leave you handcuffed to a park bench with your trousers gone.

And when the adult character, Ro, isn't actively doing something, she looks around for a place to sit, and if there is one, she pulls out a flute and starts playing it on the soundtrack. It's so lovely. I downloaded Monument Valley 2 as soon as I heard about it and played it through in about three hours: everyone's

"Arthur Negus has held Bristols. That's not a return, it's a bit of gossip."