Giovanni's Roomba

I don't know if anything can ever top that trio of porno mags from The Simpsons: American Breast Enthusiast, Granny Fanny, and Cheek Week.

The OED dates "hosebag" from 1974, so Bob and Doug McKenzie didn't invent it. They certainly might have invented "hoser", though.

Ava DuVernay's directing and the cast is probably unimprovable. I think it's in good hands.

Wouldn't help. Anything bad about their Lord and Saviour Donald J. Trump is either a lie or unimportant because some liberal politician did worse. You cannot get through to them. They're cult members, voluntarily.

He can't….kill them, can he?

The weird thing is that it's the egg whites, the part people assume has essentially no flavour, that make your French toast taste eggy. Try making it with yolks only. It will change your world, promise.

That's a perfectly cromulent something.

His list of adjectives is fairly small (huge, tremendous, and terrible probably top the list), as befits his tiny vocabulary, but I bet Bannon could have supplied him with a slew of appropriate ones: duplicitous, cosmopolitan, calculating, slippery, sly, devious….

No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up.

The forest that he chops down to make paper for the product that bears his likeness? That's a problematic relationship right there.

Yeah, but there were some substandard (decoy head disassembles itself) and truly terrible (airless Mars climax) effects in that movie, too.

I haven't been able to take the Oscars seriously in a long, long time. Not-car-sex Crash winning over Brokeback Mountain, or really over anything, was just the last straw. Even the director knew that Capote and Munich were better movies than his. Crowd-pleasing rubbish like Shakespeare in Love and Dances With Wolves

I would be thrilled to have a mediocrity as the U.S. president right now instead of the complete horrorshow that somehow got installed.

I don't think they're siblings, because in episode 3 their names are shown to be Gustav Sebald and Jacquelyn Seleszyka, which could be fake, but it's all the information we have, as far as I know.

She's hardly ever on the set: very often she's visibly composited into the scene (it's particularly obvious in episodes 3 and 4), so I would imagine they filmed her many reaction shots in a comfy studio over the course of a couple of months.

Wasn't that always the American dream, though? To have enough money to be able to say "fuck you" to anybody? It's basically the colonial version of royalty.

Politeness isn't eating every single thing that's served to you: it's eating what you can from what's provided, not complaining about not being served exactly what you want, and making plausible excuses if necessary ("It all looks so good, but I've been feeling a little under the weather so I'm just going to have the

That's very much a matter of opinion, full stop.

If you buy a whole bucket and just eat the skin, well, that's an awful lot of leftover chicken.

Dried cranberries are a favourite addition, and it's even better if you use leftover Christmas-dinner turkey with the skin on, at which point we are starting to get pretty far afield from classic chicken salad, but it's so good.