Giovanni's Roomba

"Run Lola Run" also does that: it's really jarring, but fits the overall tone of the film.

I just finished watching that video. A probably unimprovable rendition of a great, great song.

It is one of the all-time great videos, that's for sure — pure style.

I was surprised they didn't talk to him about that. He played an out-and-out monster and he was unexpectedly great — and he got to (inadvertently) answer two of the show's big questions, which is where gravelings come from and whether they can be killed.

On the one hand, "superior" does generally appear on lists of absolute adjectives: either something is superior or it isn't, in the same way that one is either pregnant or isn't. On the other hand, one can easily imagine grades of superiority: if two things are excellent but one is even more so, it could be said to be

"Samantha is off on a dinner date with a gentleman friend from Moscow who's brought over a variety of caviars and an array of vodka-based aperitifs. She says he's going to offer her delicious food in his hotel room and then liquor out on the balcony."

Wikipedia says it stands for Very Superior Old Pale. Somebody's wrong.

Separately or together? Because the combination sounds horrifying.

= bowl.

Why don't you just come on down to New Brunswick sometime? As the only officially bilingual province, it has plenty of Anglos who hate French people (too loud, too demanding), Francophones who hate Anglos (too reserved, too arrogant), and bilingual people stuck in the middle!

Bet if you make White Christmas and bring it in to work next week, they'll say it's the best thing they've ever had, though. They'll beg you for the recipe, too.

I was in Berlin this past spring and advertising for the Angry Birds movie was absolutely fucking everywhere. You couldn't avoid it. The thought of that movie dubbed into German is more than the human brain can deal with.

Listen to the Flop House dissection of "Nine Lives" (http://www.flophousepodcast… and then see if you still think it's worth watching. You couldn't pay me to see it.

That's what regular old Bluetooth-but-with-a-cord-connecting-them earbuds were invented for: no cord connecting them to the device, but if one pops out, which it never does, they can't get very far. I love mine (Philips SHB5850BK/27) to bits.

He at least alluded to them both, but yeah, Seven should have been in the list somewhere.

I Can't Believe It's Not Sodomy.

The Flop House isn't a movie-review podcast. The movies are just a scaffolding on which to drape an hour and a half of three close friends shooting the shit, free-associating, and trying to make one another laugh. (The same can be said for God Awful Movies, which is even more tightly focused on religious movies but


"I never left you. That's why I wasn't with your little daughter when she was abducted and murdered."

The Double-Wide.