
This game was so perfectly made and beautiful! Makes me want to go back into Hyrule, for another go around. It would have been kinda cool if you could move link around.

Dammit, I have stuff to DO today! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME??

I will admit I screamed like a little bitch.

Idk, I preordered the shit out of MGSV. Last konami game I’m buying, but I wanted that fucking arm

Just a reminder to everyone out there listening...

People shouldn’t pre-order games. That’s the lesson here.

I saw that, and while anyone who reads Kotaku knows that I’m as harsh a critic of Destiny as there can be, I don’t think it’s fair to make assumptions about what they may or may not have intentionally held back as DLC just because we can see a few shots of the Reef in an early trailer.

But does it finally add a reason to continue playing?

“I’ll get you next time Kamen Rider! Then you’ll be the one... put out to pasture.”

Not to be confused with Mypos, homeland of this guy:

I notice this game has a big lack of FEMALE COPS, gee I wonder why that is because apparently according to this game, FEMALE cops don't exist.