
Just calling people out on their non-contributions. “Huh” is not a sentence nor a complete thought.

Thanks, Jaw. This I can talk to. Per Jason’s own explanation behind Bungies approach to Destiny this time around, they’re attempting to give this game an entirely different feel. Granted it’s a single image, but maybe add a tagline along with it? Or hint at what a Guardian will look like in this installment? But

“Huh” what? Ya gotta give me a little more if you want to spark some type of convo, unless you’re just as brainless as Bungie’s marketing team.

Absolutely no substance, staying with the overall theme of Destiny. Just slap number on it and hope sheeple will gobble it up. If they were truly trying to give this game a different feel, they failed. And further solidified that this studio is simply mailing it in.

“Beetle’s arming its Nukes!...... gradually....”

“We have to stop it!..... eventually.....”

I have to give credit to Capcom for saying up front the game was not finished. That’s more than most would do, these days.

Be proud. That movie is a classic.


To whom it may concern; Thank you for reading this press release from Activision, the leader in Destiny hype, where we strive to remind you that this game exists in the hopes that we can sell more units and make even more money for the least amount of effort ever put forth in the creation of a video game (which we are

Ahhhhh I don’t know how to answer this without getting heat from the other folks! I think all I can say is just explore everywhere and make sure you listen to the boom boxes.

Just played this mission yesterday. Although he already transferred over from my Ground Zeroes save, I don’t really mind doing it again.

Jason, thanks a ton for the info and research on this.

You just got pachinko’d!

You just got pachinko’d!

God dammit, I respect you Jason. And all who still play Destiny.

I appreciate you clarifying that. From the article it looked as though you had a chance to just get one thing.

So in order to even have “a shot at the emblem” I would have had to purchase the DLC ontop of the game I’ve been playing since the Alpha? Every time I see a new story about Destiny, I’m happier and happier that I deleted it off my hard drive.

Hahaha very true

Does anyone remember how when that episode originally aired, after she exploded there was just nothing. Roll credits. But now in current airings you see her walking through an alternate universe, laughing to herself?

Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig only get married because Sweet Pea was dropped on their doorstep. Moments before, she’s about to break things off with Mr. Pig when she gets a knock, answers, and subsequently says, “This changes everything.”