
People that criticizes it, most of the time, aren’t even playing it properly. Or just watched the boring tutorial map which i played to death for some reason before i figured that standard orders are optional.

You aren’t alone. Understanding its mechanics and fun little quirks, its a pathetically well-designed game that basicaly gamified traversal and weaponized a rather unexciting chore of a job. And boy does it have a grand story and as always, trying to say something about humanity. As usual for Kojima Productions.

The lore and the world and the people in it. I mean, the real people that ‘helped’ you along the way. Play it online tho, because the game is grindy as balls. About the only thing that I don’t like about it.

Looks like Dr.DisRespect

This is terrible.

Funnily enough, those two “giants” are struggling to have any sort of foothold in gaming. Stadia is laughable.

Microsoft is definitely earning money from gamepass. I always lol’ed when people think they aren’t. If you account all those subscribers (in the millions, courtesy of the very attractive upfront “price”) and generally ignoring that price has a pre-requisite of being subscribed to Xbox Live Gold, they definitely are.

Let’s not do this all day

This is just disturbing.

They even added a third person mode

Also, that effin game isn’t even gonna babysit casuals like you. Lol.

Idiot. Death Stranding is mostly gameplay with some long cutscenes. If you haven’t played it, just chill with that edge of yours. I’m sick of morons like you

Death Stranding is one of a kind. Just being a very good game with really cool lore. I love Fromsoft, but I feel Sekiro isn’t super freaking boundary pushing game, unlike the previous game of the year winners/contenders

Nope. Bloodborne is their best outing. Looking forward to Elden Ring.

“looks great” hahaha

It looks like an oversized bluetooth speaker.

How about we talk about the game itself? In the trailer, is there anything mind-blowing about Alyx outside an obvious higher graphical fidelity? Hell, the game is even replete with the annoying floating hands and again, the usual VR mechanic of magnetic pull disguised as the protagonist’s gizmo and the usual manual

Actually you can, when you get detected and was about to be grabbed, unzip and spray away.

Dead people dragging me to black goo... *zip..

Um no. for the simple reason that it doesn’t even take long for a person to get tired of playing on VR. It’s just not comfortable. And it being the future would make this hobby even lonelier than it already is. i want people to sit in the couch with me to either play or watch.