
People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

“And if President Clinton – President Obama – let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

These are the same morons that accused her of killing Vince Foster.

Like that time he mimicked the real life Django.

Is that a book? In my church we don’t believe in book learning. You learn whatever God puts in your heart. The other day he learned me to put a burning cross on the neighbors lawn! I already had the fire ready from setting the library on fire. Damn books always trying to tell me about the devil’s rodent cookies. I

The other day I got a hand gun to protect my kids, you know? And I’m really happy because it is SO important for them to be safe.

My heart (and pants) always says Mark Ruffalo.

I honestly think human babies are some of the least-cute mammal babies. Sometimes I feel like a robot when people are like, “Oh, aren’t you the cutest thing!” to a baby and I’m like, excuse me, have you literally never seen a puppy?

So today was the Scotland squad meet up! It was booked at Mimi’s bakehouse but got moved to a cafe next door because the place was packed! I wrote a note and posted it on the door about the location change and surprisingly it stayed up from the wind/no one tore it down.

Counterpoint: this is awesome

Really? Because this is me, every morning...

Kanye West doesn’t care about women people.

I’m a black American who has lived in Europe for the past 13 years. Your racial issues are just as bad as the ones in the USA, but you like to think because Jim Crow and chattel slavery wasn’t a thing here, y’all can claim some moral high ground. Negative.

Quick PSA: If you don’t “get” this video, it’s because Beyonce didn’t make it for you. There’s nothing that says black culture needs to be distilled and broken down for the masses. Some things are just for us.

We all have opinions. Mine is that I don’t care about your wrong opinion.

Want this outfit. Will pay in cats.

Don’t hijack the thread to make a dumb opinion about a genre of books. Books =/= box office films. There are a billion books written over centuries just waiting to be downloaded onto your Kindle.

Now playing

Ice Cube: “Maybe we should have put a slave in Staight Outta Compton.” 5:00 mark.

Bitch can take SEVERAL seats. “Racist to whites” isn’t a thing, because racism is prejudice PLUS institutional power, and white people are the ones with institutional power. It’s 2016, and there’s frankly no excuse for such self-indulgent ignorance. She can come back once she reads a damned book: preferably, Ta-Nehisi

The level of racism is much lower there.