
And yet, somehow, while telling us how horrible the site and the writers are, they can’t seem to stay away.

Once he was down, she started stomping on him. She then ran and grabbed a bottle of baby shampoo... emptied the entire bottle in his face. Finally, she beat him with a broom. 

One in a row!

Never have heroes you don’t know personally.

Hahaha omg I did not expect that to go where it went 

I’m not the one confused about how a gay man could commit a racial hate crime.

But, even though they didn’t start the fire, it is people like them who leave the barn door unlocked.

I’m a mom of a six month old boy, but I’m not a #boymom. Not only do I not have time to read mommy blogs or get into mom culture, but it seems very limiting for mothers to build their outward identity around motherhood. I mean, yeah, I spend like 80% of my time when not working or sleeping with my baby, but at least I

Hi tomato.

Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!

Here’s what you miss:

So bc she chooses not to give up her career and spend every second of the rest of her life with her kids makes her a bad parent? She genuinely seems to enjoy making music and performing, she can do both, maybe she doesn’t want her children thinking that just because you have a lot of money that you don’t need to work. 

“Our focus is on the violence,” Wray added. “We the FBI don’t investigate the ideology, no matter how repugnant. We investigate violence. And any extremist ideology, when it turns to violence, we’re all over it.”

Because that’s exactly the kind of person they want.

People think she can’t be racist because she’s Chinese? Tell that to the Chinese government locking up Uyghurs. 

I don’t need her to be a leftist dream, I need her to be better than Mitch. It’s a pretty low bar. Campaigning in a way that talks to voters she needs to win over, conservatives who have probably voted red their whole lives (or voted southern democrat when that was still a thing) is smart. 

When your toddler has to be the one to tell you the difference between right and wrong it’s time to seriously reevaluate your life.

“Feeling cute,might stick yo azz in a concentration camp...IDK”

These assholes didn’t think he was innocent. They decided that 21 years was too much for “just” rape. They then found the flimsiest of pretexts to justify letting him off. They didn’t rely on the law. They used their own “moral” judgement to let a rapist go free.

This woman is clearly very economically anxious.