
As opposed to whites who shoot a whole bunch of people all at once. I mean if blacks only resorted violence to solve problems your pasty ass would be dead. Right Tyler? Oh and if they are violent they had some very fine people on the other side that showed them how to act that way, Chad.

Far too many times have I seen a woman rise to power as a champion for other women, only to make clear her vision of feminism is only for white women.

And this particular marching band is HBCU inspired right down to the drumline just like Beyonce's but continue to stan I guess 

There is more than enough rope to hang Bernie on that he didn’t need any help at all. For real you Bernie stans are funny as shit about his sketchy voting history, taxes and his sudden desire to defend his wealth. He’s accomplished nothing meaningful after thirty years in the senate but hey grifters gonna girft huh? 

Please post this to Splinter and watch them all either burst into tears or call these black women low information vagina voters who aren’t intelligent enough to see that the only way to salvation is through their chose lord and savior Bernie. I mean these fools rail about “establishment, neo-liberal corporate dems”

Fuck's sake, guys, wouldn’t it be easier to just not rape people?

Dramatic reenactment of the event:

“What if he gave me a virus somehow?” she asked, worriedly.

Corny monster.

this may be a bit insensitive to focus on this, but that woman in the picture is 18? 

no, sexism, male entitlement, and self-importance made him do it.

didn’t he hide there to avoid facing a sexual assault charge in Sweden?

Jesus dude, do you honestly not know what the words “criteria” or “metrics” mean? No wonder you think Kobe is the 3rd best player of all time.

I’m not saying you’re stupid or have insecurities, but I find most people who feel that way were insecure about being winners of stupid prizes.

17 of you should check your clueless privilege - whilst leaping of a bridge, if i might make a small suggestion.

You are a disgusting person and I hope you die a slow, painful death.

remind us again when white folks were denied, oh, i dunno, anything, because of the color of their skin?

Turkish assassins also expressed relief that they wouldn’t have to sit through a Knicks-Wizards game. 

Botham Jean hates the fact that he is dead.