
lolololol congrats on being the dumbest person in the comments, ya fucking bridge dweller.

Dude, this is an article about a dead baby. Seriously? You wanna be that guy?

It doesn’t sound like they couldn’t afford to have children though; just that they couldn’t afford to have one of the parents out of work.

Jerking off to the thought of denying refugee children entry to America.

Hate speech inciting violence innit

SHOCKINGLY, amenities at hotels are inspected for safety- pools, gyms, saunas, ect. Most likely, had this been a hotel, safety standards would’ve meant that the swing wouldn’t have existed in the first place. I know, I know, logic is hard sometimes for the “any regulation is the death of everything because

Not directly related, but I always found interesting how Colonel Sanders (or “Uncle Kentucky” as he’s known in Japan) is viewed in Japan.

My favorite anecdote is how celebrating Hanshin Tigers Baseball fans threw a local Colonel Sanders prop into a river after winning the Japan Series title in 1985... prompting a

But you know, there’s this entire article we are commenting on about how children of same sex couples can’t get baptized. But you know, you do you.

Cool stories, bros.

Calling Taco Bell a Mexican restaurant is almost as insulting as that jackass at the drive through.

Yep, it’s called taxis, uber or friend. You just pulled Pinkham’s law. Congrats.

Maybe you could put a swiffer on it? Two birds and all that...

Here’s a good reason why you should clean regardless if you’re a man or woman.

Happy Halloween!!

This is why it’s worth it to wade this far into the gray. Awesome story.

No, that’s not his name. And I hope Bigfoot ain’t fucking around with animal sacrifices and black candles and shit because that is just straight up impolite, at minimum. Have some goddamn decency, Bigfoot.

Little did they know, the lawsuit was coming from inside the house...

Go fuck yourself.

Do people not realize at all that the humor of this is NOT at from the horrendous shit they both endure but the absolute absurdity and outrageousness of the story and the way in which it is told? Are those who take issue with the reaction/publication really that simple and lacking in nuanced and critical thinking