
I just commented above but my Grandma had those Great Muppet Caper glasses!!!

can you put together a sentence that isn’t just a copy and paste of someone else’s words? 

Agreed, and it was still only about 30 seconds of actual combat in the trailer. Combat was definitely the worst part of the original, at best it was boring, often frustrating, like eating a plain peanut butter sandwich with nothing to drink and it kind of gets stuck in your throat and you can’t breath for a sec and

Marketing tends to focus on spectacle and combat is usually that spectacle. I wouldn’t conclude that they’re turning SH2 into an action game based on this trailer alone.

For those interested:

physical games are just the DRM code these days. You still have to download the majority of the game. Physical is dead and has been since PS4/XbOne

It’s wild that so many old games only exist and are playable now thanks to people uploading them to the net and building emulators/tools to keep them alive. 

Pirates are doing *MOST* of the heavy lifting when it comes to game preservation. See also: movies and music

I have to admit I giggled out loud at the Wilhelm Scream. I am genuinely looking forward to killing Nazis and whip swinging through ruins, this looks like a good time. 

Yes!  First person FTW!

Sony should not feel “burned” by the Vita. It was entirely their fault. Consumers loved it, myself included. It was a truly impressive handheld and it was a ton of fun to game on. It was a simple issue of the proprietary memory cards and their insane pricing in addition to one of Sony’s biggest downfalls with most of

So that’s it? You’d spend a whole lot of money on a new TV just because you can see photos behind it when it’s not in use? Doesn’t sound like something the market will care about.

Right off the bat, this slideshow starts with the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a long time. No one wants transparent TVs at home and this will never be a thing. I can see a use for it in the commercial arena, but it just won’t be useful for people at home.

They need to add Ninja Five-O, also known as Ninja Cop, inspiration for a little tune that I made that goes like this:

As a child of that era, I can absolutely assure you that ewoks did not carry the franchise through the 80s. They didn’t even exist until Return of the Jedi, and at that point the franchise was already a juggernaut. Yes Ewoks were a thing and marketed, but not like r2d2 and the rest. The ewok spinoff was a complete

For real. It’s like everyone got a stick up their ass for Christmas.

Really surprised to see the negativity here Mandolorian was one of the new Star Wars things almost universally praised especially the 1st season. Not sure why everyone is so down on it think they could make a great movie and the shorter story format hopefully keeps it tight and action packed! Personally I'm excited!

Hey, Gia Carano’s free.  Let's cast her! /s