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This is the common explanation for how A.I image generation works. This is not how A.I image generation works.

Lynskey had only a small role in Away We Go, but she was unforgettable.

OK, I missed the part where her character’s name was “Deirdre Beaubeirdre.” Movie just went up half a point in my estimation.

Yoeh wasn’t facing against Bassett. JLC was.

Ooh, me too!

Was it though? The debate about videogame violence goes back as far as 1976's Death Race and plenty of high profile instances since, like the original top down GTA (not exactly a gratuitously detailed experience), Mortal Kombat, COD:MW2 etc. It’s a fine topic of discussion but ultimately I dislike the idea of

Just another example of Kotaku crapping all over AI. I guess it gets them clicks but for a tech oriented website it's an awfully strange hill to choose to die on. 

AI detects cancer in x-rays earlier than trained doctors, is used to detect upcoming catastrophic material collapse in bridges, and a million other useful life saving ways;

For me, it was Ever After. But, yeah, she’s always been a total smokeshow.

There are some pretty dismissive takes of early technology that can efficiently recreate games in less than 5 minutes that most people would never be able to learn to code on their own in here.

While I fall on the side of artists on the AI art debate, I’m excited to see what AI does in the medical or scientific fields. 

I think the original silent hill movie is a little underappreciated. The costumes, sets, and monsters were great and it had good scares, good pacing, and a perfectly competent if rote plot. Maybe it helped that I’ve never played a silent hill game, but it was a fun watch for sure. 

I got my Equifax data breach check a couple weeks ago. The cost of leaking almost all of my Personally Identifiable Information to the world: $17 and change.

The settlement estimates that everyone who applies will receive at least $10 for one TV.”


I hope that in private she doesn’t give god damn fuck what people say about her. She is an amazing actress. LOVED her in “I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore”.

I happen to like her body type and wish there was more of it in major productions. I thought she did a great job in The Last of Us and was a fine fit for the character. 

One underseen movie of hers I really like is Hello I Must be Going, where she plays an agoraphobic divorcee who finds herself in an unconventional new relationship. The director I think said they lost the funding for the movie because they didn’t cast a big star as the female lead, so they had to make it with no

When the guys running things have a certain, narrow mindset about how a woman should look, everything below thing is going to echo that mindset.  And Hollywood, here we are.

I guess they know that reference of “Eat a Bag of D!ks” !