
“backbone company”... Right. If Harley disappeared nobody would notice, except maybe people who live close to roads would sleep better.

I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight knowing I was owned so much.

Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.

As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.

Appropriate aptitude for the Musk cult.

Oh absolutely.  “I’ll test it first with a stick.  Oh, it broke the stick.  Hm.  Well, let’s see if it does that to my bones!”

fucking moron

Counterpoint: It looks 40 years old, like something you would have seen W.O.P.R. mock up during “Wargames

Money well spent apparently - because I wasn’t aware it existed until I saw this article. 

Looking forward to the Cosplay.

Just as a heads up they offered the expansion pass as a perk for Game Pass ultimate players this month.

I mixed up the names and it slipped by an editor. Sorry! this has been fixed.

I don’t think she will die from a digital cat, so you should be ok.

Republicans are most angry that Biden delivered a pretty great speech. He stumbled a few times but he made Republicans look like the useless fools they are.  Facts are simple, Biden created a strong economy, and Republicans fought him every step of the way yet a quick to take credit when Bidens bills pass. 

DAMN! 68 is young! 

This one hurts bad. RIP Akira. You are a legend. 

This one fucking hurts. Like so fucking much. Dragonball is pretty much my childhood. It informed so much of my interests today. The idea that Akira Toriyama could die didn’t even cross my mind.

Now playing

Reminder that they had Juggernaut in Deadpool 2, where he was completely CGI and voiced by a pitch-shifted Ryan Reynolds. I imagine if they wanted him in the new Deadpool and Vinnie Jones didn’t want to do it, they could probably have just done that again.