
I feel like 4 strikes a nice balance between 2 and 3 as far as gameplay goes

I never said being queer isn’t a legitimate possibility, but facts are facts. You can’t ignore biology. Like, if you’re homosexual and you’re not interested in the opposite sex whatsoever, you’re probably not having children biologically related to you without medical intervention and some sort of third party involved.

This seems like a bunch of whiny BS to me.

Look, I know we’re becoming more tolerant of different kinds of relationships and telling people it’s ok to be whatever they want, but... heterosexuality is the norm. It’s how our species reproduces. That’s not to say anything negative about anyone who is gay or trans, but a norm is a norm. The biological norm doesn’t

I really enjoyed and still play a bit of BO3, but I definitely don’t miss the wall running, haha. BO4 just feels like a better pace with less chaos. 

You’re lucky you corrected Damon and not Michael Harriot. If it was Harriot you would have been in a 10 hour argument about the various reasons he was correct all along and racism and white women were to blame for the error.

Did you not read the rest?

Ask the author. She’s reponsible for setting the tone of the discussion(s) to follow, and “Hey asshole” is not exactly polite.

I don’t much care for the whole, “Oh, do you have a girlfriend” crap, because my parents did it to me and I bloody hated it and won’t do it to my kids.

Life hack: stop projecting a sexual identity onto little kids with this one trick!

Aimee, with all due respect, why is this a Lifehacker post? Isn’t this content more suitable for Jezebel? Thanks

You know, this is a horseshit comment, and while your intentions are no doubt good, you appear to have forgotten where you’re aiming. This is Kotaku. We have our faults, but pulling punches ain’t one of them.

Agreed, about +20 phones is hardly any android device.


Guess I am an a-hole then. I won’t get one. Humans make errors. I don’t want someone injecting me with something that could be an error. I don’t care how safe it is.  

then please, think of the children and the elderly.

Dear Alicia,

What kind of desprate clickbait is this? Please don't say something in the title that is blatantly false.

Fools. The first SH was great.

Noooooo, I loved Silent Hill. Plus Andrea(The Walking Dead chick) was in it!