You tell her! White people are so oppressed, what with all this internet talk about their racism. Where does nywoman92 get off with all that calling white people on their racism?
You tell her! White people are so oppressed, what with all this internet talk about their racism. Where does nywoman92 get off with all that calling white people on their racism?
Weird and trolly, like following someone online and complaining that every one of their posts is about the same thing? Are you going to try and say a big chunk of white people haven't lost their minds since Obama was elected? Hell, they've been trying to make it un-happen since 2008. Or haven't you been paying…
So he's douchetastic BFD! I think he's kinda of a loveable douche bag and I'm cool with that. Also Benedict Cumberbatch is kind of an asshole but Jezebel never piles it on him. They praise him around these parts.
Because militarization of the police.
I wonder what the best legal defense of accused rapists is that *doesn't* involve smearing the victim.
Celebrity...he keeps using that word, but I do not think it means what he thinks it means.
What a precious rosebud he is.
That family is a bunch of shitheads.
I'm such a sucker for pictures of parents all tuckered out with their babies. Awwwwww.
I don't even like wearing too tight pants. Man.
Williams allegedly planned to pack her things in his car while 'Tre' murdered her family.
That looks nothing like me or my family. A big ass in this day and age does not equal a black woman. You're ridiculous.
Oh noes, because they have big asses and tits they MUST be referencing black people. Wait, who is the racist here?
I think you're reaching.
That's your takeaway from this idea? There is no accounting for the obtuse.
She doesn't become an object simply by being scantily clad. A human is a human whether she is naked or in a biohazard suit. Objectification is something one imposes on another.