Laura, I gotta ask - why did you write this article if you have never seen the movies or read the books? Is there no one at Jezebel who could have actually given an informed opinion?
Laura, I gotta ask - why did you write this article if you have never seen the movies or read the books? Is there no one at Jezebel who could have actually given an informed opinion?
Your last paragraph captures a sentiment I've been struggling to articulate for awhile. Thank you.
"First of all, I don't feel I'm at war with any of my sisters here... I'm at war with patriarchy, capitalism, and imperialism." - Rosa Clemente
I just think the feminist movement is broken because we're always arguing about who is and who isn't allowed to call themselves feminists. Beyonce is not the only target of this. Look at Courtney Stodden. She calls herself a feminist and some feminists laugh at that because they don't think a woman who's had plastic…
I think my biggest issue with this term, lately, is that feminists who believe that nudity in performance art is often not empowering are automatically called slut-shamers. Neither staying covered up nor letting it all hang out are final solutions to empowerment, but both are valid in their own way. And that's what a…
I know when I need advice on whether to see the Justin Bieber movie, I turn to Justin Bieber's mother.
She is African-American, yes? And this makes her an expert on "Latina culture" how...? Because her neighbor was Mexican?
It's not a race issue, it's a class issue.
Okay, I need someone who is more clear in their mind about some of these issues to help me out. I understand cultural appropriation and how problematic it is. I did not watch the Lana Del Rey video because let's face it, if she thinks she can get me to watch a 27-minute video of hers, she is sadly mistaken. It sounds…
Was there a different title up there before? Because "Why I believe Jameis Winston's Accuser" doesn't seem out of bounds to me. Newspapers often publish editorials where the title is an opinion, and it's understood the opinion belongs to the author, not the paper as a whole. Since every Gawker site is designed to be…
Excellent, good job with the copy/paste/highlight (emphasis yours) of the clear, concise, prepared testimony of Winston's friend.
Nobody has EVER lied in an affidavit, let alone one of the accused's friends, right?
Thank you for telling your story, Julie.
How about this:
Not exactly sure why Jansen is talking about Winston as though he was brutally assaulted by Cox. I'm not being flip here — Jansen's response is so out of proportion to what actually happened. And his accusations are so weird. I mean, of course Cox's actions were deliberate. Is that a bad thing? A journalist…
The attorney comes off as a complete jackass. Her questions were tame compared to what she could have asked.
Good for her. That's called reporting.
Shut up that crazy woman who wants to talk about rape. Winston is the real victim here. Even the word "investigation" is so upsetting, he shouldn't have to hear it.
^This applies BOTH to the people who make a big deal of not taking your husband's name AND the people who make a big deal of taking your husband's name.
I really like being LaComtesse Monsieur. I do. And it wasn't my first name change in my life (I got a hyphenated last name when I was 8 or 9), so it wasn't that big a…