
That statement from her Mum is making me tear up. She basically says everything that needs to be said about this case.

No, asshat, you didn't "bully" her. You raped her. Much worse. My heart flips over every time I see her picture.

This is NOT ok.

This reminds me of The Mighty Boosh.

When I was a kid, my uncle married for the second time and wanted my sister and me to be his "best men". We were maybe 8 and 9 at the time, so I don't remember much about the whole thing, but according to my grandmother, we were all excited about it, and my mom bought us new dresses for the wedding. It was a small

I'd like to think that about myself, too. This will sound schmaltzy, but I look at the kind, thoughtful things she does and I'm like "Damn, I wish I had a lot of money so I could do that stuff too..." but then I realise I DO do things like that, just without the money part. I use my own skills to do random acts of

Very weird that this isn't a Mark post, huh?

kind of tempted to try this with my husband—we're in need of some kind of renewal.

Ugh. That's cruel.

That is very mean. But being too far away for dress fittings? That is not a real reason. You can have any dress fitted anywhere. For example, we had no problem with our California niece being in my sister's Rhode Island wedding. Easy peasy. I suspect an ulterior motive!

Dude, put a ring on it! He's beautiful!

Seriously. What young celeb would want her name openly on his list? Now, on the down low? I could see it. Because they all do that. Rihanna's been caught creeping from time to time but she never lets her name be officially linked to anyone. No one gets to ride her fame and sex appeal but her. I DIG that about her.

She's a bit old for him, no?

I can spell "quesadilla" properly right up until I pass out.

"She tourniquets her arm at the elbow with an ice pick and towel, washes the blood off, puts the offending knife onto the gas fire, heats it to a nice brick red and...wait for it...cauterize her own arm."

Jesus, that manager in the 4th story is a real sociopath. How would it even make your scheduling easier to only plan one night ahead, at 4am? Do people just plain enjoy making their employee's lives miserable, for fun?

I really don't see the appeal in ass-eating. Am I missing out on anything here?

not to make light of the subject matter, but "well, fuck me Amadeus" is now my favorite thing and I'll be looking for opportunities to work it into conversation at every chance.

Right? Reading this makes me want to barf everywhere, but does not convince me it's representative of anything.