
I really wish she got a bit more credit for having intellectual curiosity.

I'd let him bang me on the spotless sink and ENJOY it.

I was thinking pay her friends and family back for any refunds or deposits they couldn't obtain.

I think it gives a better sense of closure to that chapter of her life by the artistic expression. I think she should be afforded the chance to be selfish in this case: her life has changed. Let her be!

If you are reading this, parents, please don't tell this to your kids. Even if you are Christian or are against transgender people don't ever say that to someone, especially your kid. That won't do anything but make them hate them self. That's exactly what it did to me.

  • A rodent's nest with multiple rodents in a plastic-lined box in a cooler that had thawing rib meat on top of melons.

This "story" is far less arresting than those eyes. Gorgeousness abounds with this one.


Clearly any boychildren in attendance were just made all the more steely in response to the trauma. In fact the ring-bearer just strengthened his resolve to become a batman like hero for wedding related crime.

That's awful. Like, not even "we'll laugh about this someday way in the future" as most wedding mishaps usually go.

If two people who seemed to have literally been made for each other (by Vincent Price as The Inventor) and had perfectly subverted the issues of cohabitation can't make it, who among us can? I'll take this as proof that humans weren't meant to mate for life.

He's such a nice guy! Why couldn't she just give him a chance?

Abandoning your family would be worth it if you like Tropical Islands and well endowed men. You can always Skype. That's what we do.

Let me be super clear about this: I think everyone should be allow to love whomever they want and be a religious person. I don't think that religious sect of any kind should discriminate against gay people. With that being said, I understand how and why a person might decide they want to live within their communities

Uh, this.

I think we need to just ban customers altogether. Every job I've had would've been way better without 'em.

Yeah well if a man thinks an abortion is a good idea it's alright then. Could this seem any more like it's about fucking with women than any kind of 'moral' issue? My sad ladybrain thinks no but I need a man to back me up in writing.

Did the woman provide written consent for the man to ejaculate in the first place?

So we all have food we love to eat too much of. For me its Sour Cream I ate at one point 1.5 containers a week. I loved it plain with crackers, in soup, mixed with guac, mixed with salsa or a combo then crackers would dip into it. I buy the low fat kind but I am eating less now I want to lse weight.

But in the cab company's defense, they are claiming Alexis had worn a lot of make up which made her look older, which is clearly a steaming crock of shit.