
Don't let the homosexuals bite you and don't feed them after midnight.

Oh, cunt off, you self-righteous, sanctimonious dicks. Xxx

Eh, I don't consider this child abuse. A dick move for sure, but not on the same scale as beating kids.

So someone apologizes for making a racist remark with an actual apology instead of the typical non-apology bullshit we see, and he makes something of a gesture to help an organization that promotes diversity, and your response is that he can take it and shove it?

We're being trolled, right? The catalog? Can't be something someone genuinely thought would be a nice gift.

A doll cataloge and twins? It's like serial killer bingo.

YES. But then I totally did a Tolkien module at uni. Shame there was no Hobbiton travel option.

... the weird Harry Potter obsession you should have outgrown in the third grade while you still can.

The mirror that shows you every angle of yourself at Macy's is the stuff of nightmares—I'd rather be tricked by a "Skinny Mirror" than see that again.

I'm sorry I wanted to read this but I am still stuck on the "79 dollars for a 1 day supply of food" part

Yeah, that phrase made me

Wait, squeezed middle? Did I even 2011?

Like it or not it is the word of the year so you'll just have to put that in your pipe and vape it

How vapid of them.

I got into trouble with my sister's neighborhood moms. One of them threw a model party complete with audition tapes for 6 yr olds. I taught my niece to say "I'M NOT HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS!" so she did to the camera, my sister thought it was hilarious but the other moms were pisssed!

I dunno if it's feminist but at least it's not as traumatizing as the Hans Christen Anderson one I read as a kid. Although the message of that was very 'do not give up your family and voice for some dude he will totally run off with some bitch and then you can just go ahead and kill yourself.'

This is really cool. It's nice to see a dude go to so much effort to make this kind of point, and manage to do it in an attention-getting but not chiding or shamey way. ALL THE CANDY CANES FOR YOU, KARL STEFANOVIC. YOU GO KARL STEFANOVIC.

It looks *just like* the rallies. It's not just the flags. It's the large red flags hung to the side of a podium with orderly lined people. If you've seen any footage of Hitler speaking at rallies, you'd recognize it.

i think your vigorous insistence on the fact that this is soviet imagery as opposed to nazis obscured the original point. Nota Bene, it's tough to win points when you are asking people to point you to actual swastikas

Hey genius, you realize that fascism is a category that includes both soviets and nazis correct? So we're either talking about glorifying the images of governments that killed 10 million+ people on the one hand, or 20 million+ people on the other? Ms. Minaj has not really placed her self in great company and I can see…