
GoT season 5 was a primer for season 6, which is going to be fucking explosive. I cannot wait. I’m eagerly awaiting Mel bringing Jon Snow back to life and the truth of R+L=J being revealed. So far people have photographed filming of what looks like flashback sequences to Robert’s Rebellion, AND footage of Jon Snow in

Def excited for this. The Missy track clinched it. Especially excited to see Alfred Molina being funny. Man’s brilliant. Oh, and Freeman the Fittie.

I feel like I’m the only person who still loves the Mindy Project! They definitely built up my loyalty last season, when Mindy had to decide about temporarily relocating for work at the same time as I was. At that point, I really saw the Mindy-Danny relationship falling apart, as I compared Danny’s behaviour to Mr

Instant pharma’s gonna get you.

Christmas came early! Remember friends, every time a Martin Shkreli is arrested an angel gets its AIDS patient gets their meds...overpriced musical memorabilia isn’t sold to a douchebag.

I like being outside though! Which is why I reapply sunscreen every half hour and spend about $200 on the stuff every year. I’m not obsessive about skincare, but I’m obsessive about that. I’m terrified of skin cancer, already have a couple frightening moles that are irregular around the margins that are about to be


Yeah but if you burn all your skin off you might actually die.

I don’t tan either. I burn, and when the burn goes away, I somehow become whiter.

Breaking news from Ohio: A new law will require that any woman who has an abortion must hold a full age appropriate birthday party for the fetus every year until said fetus is 18 years old. Furthermore, said woman must include fetus in all holiday card photos and will take to Disney world at least twice in said

um excuse me Bobby where is DOUBLE CREATURE FEATURE

Sorry Lindsay Lohan, Serena wins this round of best quotation of Maya Angelou.

America is like a baby wearing boots on the ground. Who I tried to stab once when I was a teenager, but when West Point offered me a scholarship I said no I can’t accept. I have to get to the pyramids in Egypt where all that grain is stored and feed it to all those wimmenz so they don’t get riled up.

A commenter posted a list to an article on The Slot. The Jezebels have been absolutely killing it, it’s worth checking any article just to see the latest Trump descriptor.

But, you see, he can’t have real consequences. He’s allergic.

Chris Hemsworth > Bradley Cooper. Hotter by miles.

From “I Know Why the Caged Bird Tweets.”

Since the Edward Norton bit is about his fundraising for a Syrian refugee featured on Humans of New York... anyone else been keeping up with the refugee series they're doing right now? The stories are just shattering.

I hate to say it, but I’m totally team Lohan here. Lindsay is no longer courting the press/the press has moved on, kind of low for Lawrence to bring her up like this.