
Thanks for eloquently expressing all my thoughts on this article :)

hope the baptism is the only thing coming quickly for Biebs *cough*

maybe it wasn’t a potato after all

I’d give you all the stars, but the system doesn’t allow me to - all these changes argh

It’s an evolution.. ehm.. intelligent design

he turns out to be better than Danny imho

I still love it, too.

They ALL can GET IT

well, won’t she run for president? she could put her skills into action during that gig


“You get school” might be an exaggeration of what some of the players get

I hope they also provide regulations on the Starbucks Cup design for the years to come, so no good Christian is offended again >.<

I loved it as well, although it felt cut short in the end and that there were so many storylines that not all of them were done justice (the molestation by Rita/giving up the baby behind Josh’s back; Davina’s struggles). But I probably only feel like this because I love all the characters even the supporting ones and

YES YES YES :) How’d you like it?

thanks for the recommendation! I read it a while ago and it is definitely worth a re-read

well far right is an exaggeration, but right on the German political spectrum for sure, which compared to the US political spectrum is more shifted to the left in general

That’s what I wanted to mention as well!


Especially because you can’t choose who gets your heart or other organs either, you can only specify which organs you allow to be donated - at least that’s how it is done in Germany