
My fave is definitely the picture with “’Diversity’ means fewer white people!” Like he's telling us something. Like anyone is denying that fewer whites people is the result of effective diversification in america. Like that isn't the very transparent goal.

I saw the greatest meme the other day (and of course I can’t find it now); it had a picture of a bunch of white people and the text was something along the lines of, “White People: So privileged even basic equality seems like discrimination.” I lolled so hard, and then I cried. Because it’s just so true.

OMG my kids were being Satan Jr. at the post office and I totally forgot that I was supposed to pop next door and pick up a bottle of wine. Now I'm at home with no wine. Why world?

Come off it. Tweeting and writing an essay are not the same thing. Obviously the kid is using colloquial speech in a venue where it’s totally appropriate to do so.

Yup teacher sounds totally reasonable here. Like nothing about this assignment sounds like it needed to be done in school. The only legit complaints would be from kids without access to computers or the internet, and I hope she’d accommodate those students.

Students Upset That They Have to Study = Dog Bites Man.

Well done, ladies. You’re doing the atheist, liberal, pinko commie, gun-control-believing, pro-choice-having, Obamacare-voting Lord’s work.

re: this whole article

How I picture Ellie and Joanna

Every day I wake up and I’m not Mrs. Oscar Isaac and it’s sad.

Not a fan of the cutouts, but it’s still a great dress.

Oh, but that scholarship isn’t an exchange of a thing of value for services rendered—we know because the universities keep insisting that college athletes aren’t employees and aren’t entitled to negotiate salaries, benefits, compensation for likenesses, et cetera. So since you’re not giving them anything of value, you

Counter argument: Shut Up and Dance is damn fun.

Another junior faculty member (male) implied that I should be flattered that a tenured male faculty member described me as “attractive" to a student, and that said tenured faculty member was too stupid to be taken seriously. Thanks for the support, bro!

Now playing

Wait... in order for him to do that don’t they need to be, you know...

I live about an hour and change from the U.S. border but when I compare my life with a few American college friends and my American cousins, it’s a world apart. I had a full year off on maternity leave for both my kids. My first pregnancy required specialized pre-natal care, my second baby was in NICU for a while,

It’s funny*, yesterday, while reporting harassment by colleagues to Human Resources the woman taking my formal complaint said “it really is all about perspective,” then proceeded to talk about how revolutionary it might seem to Saudi women that they just got the vote, and how that is old news to Western women. All I

“Anne Hathaway is doing so much cardio now, that she’s *pregnant*”

I’m 26 and now feel like a huge creeper for being like “damn that is an attractive young man!”

wasn’t he literally a fetus like.. yesterday?
