
Gunn added that he was “horrified” when Caitlyn said at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards that choosing what to wear was the toughest decision a woman has to make every day.

Even though I’m not a super frequent commenter, i lurk a lot, and as a lawyer, I appreciate that there’s another lawyer giving the community a much-needed perspective sometimes. Like often reporting on legal stuff is too simplified or doesn’t quite capture the nuance of a situation, and I’m always happy when I see

My god parents are unfathomably rich. They throw these insane over the top free top shelf liquor and food parties about once a month. All they ask is people donate money to their Christmas fund at every party. This sounds awful but the best part of the Christmas season is taking that money and going on an insane

I get why the grey system exists, but it is really discouraging for former lurkers turned casual commenter like me. There are so many things I would comment on if I thought it’d actually result in an exchange of ideas, opinions, laughter. Haha, I’m being dramatic but I know others feel that it’s clique-ish.

Usually some else has already said what I wanted to say. But I think I will from now on!

Transparent is back! I binged the second season already. Has anyone else indulged yet?

Well I’m very good at them if you want more.

Yesterday I found out that the family I’m sponsoring had an eviction notice for the 21st. I paid off their outstanding rent and then called and told them not to worry about it anymore.

That’s the thing about having the approved commenter vs. greys system. A smallish number of people end up being much, much more visible than almost everyone else, and lots of good commenters are stuck in the greys. The only way to make up for this is to go through the replies and pull the good ones out whenever you

I’m feeling real pleased with my recent last minute decision to shut up and make a burner already. It this what power feels like? Being able to comment on things?????

Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.

Next they’ll both be fined by Goodell for not fighting over Bose, the official headphone supplier of the NFL.

We were sitting in separate chairs when my drunken self had a great idea about how to really ~smoothly~ work my way into a hookup. I went over and sat in his lap and then exclaimed “wow it’s sooo hot in here I need to take my shirt off!” before taking my shirt off.

I’m late to to the party again. I am the kind of person who hooked up with everybody in my 20’s. There was literally no filter. If you flirted with me we were at least gonna kiss. I ended up bringing a terrible youngish grateful dead loving man child to our annual holiday bash.We drunkenly hooked up and the next

One company party lead off auspiciously when, within the first half-hour, I fell down the stairs of the restaurant and knocked over a candle, setting a small section of the table on fire. This, however, did not stop my urge to down expensive alcohols on the company dime.

I’m going to use “Watching Lord of the Rings” as a euphemism from now on.

I really, really hope you are a writer. You are KILLING me! “Shriek of the Nazgul”!!! I think I’m going to have to follow you.

I don’t have a single story. I am living vicariously through all of you however.

This story has never been said aloud or written.