
It was very courteous of the stalker to wrap the lid and the box separate, just in case they didn’t get the unwrapping shot right the first time.

This show can work but only if they never allow Romeo to put on a shirt.

Oh, wow. I’m shocked. This is my shocked face. See how shocked I am.

Hopeful guests with stereotypically white names—like “Meredith O’Brien,” which was a name used in the study—garnered positive responses 50 percent of the time. Guests with black names—like “Rasheed Jackson,” also used—received positive responses at a rate of 42 percent.

I know he's pretty terrible, but even with the beard, if he turns out to be a gay chubby chaser I'd say yes in a heartbeat, then sell the story to Gawker.

OMFG I haven’t even had a chance to sex up fashion santa. If he’s killed i’ll never find out if i’m naughty or nice.

Once again the conservatives are a bunch of hypocrites, even when it comes to the war on christmas.

I am a Muslim and when I talk to other Muslims about the concept of other Muslims being Muslim and Republican we just can’t grasp the concept.

“bearded people need to be rounded up and executed”

Now’s not the time for rational thought!!!!

She’s probably insured for the theft. In which case she’s laughing because she just made $200,000 where she might not have made nearly that much otherwise.

I’ve never been in the military, but I have been a lifeguard. I can drag a 280 pound guy no problem, while simultaneously stabilizing his neck to prevent spinal cord injuries.

“I weigh 225 pounds, and 280 pounds in full kit, as did most of the members of my ODA (a 12-man Army Green Beret unit). I expect every person on my team to be able to drag any member of my team out of a firefight. A 130 pound female could not do it, I don’t care how much time she spends in the gym. Do we expect

First gay dudes, now all there anyone these dudes don’t think is willing to sign up to be shot at just for the chance to fuck them?

I can understand somewhat the initial concern about physical strength but this is negated by the mandatory requirements. Aka if she can meet the physical strength required, then she has every right to be there.

This is a style choice that he deliberately made. It is not body-shaming to make fun of something in that category - it is bad-taste-shaming.

Next week on Jezebel: “Would You Have Sex with This Poorly Inked A-Lister?”

Danny has been the worst since the beginning, and has somehow gotten event worst-er. After the last few weeks it looked like Mindy might leave him, but that’s such an unusual event for a tv show that I wasn’t sure it could happen. I really hope it stays this way.

My dad has been posting things from Ben Carson on Facebook. I just CAN’T. Gah.

But like, he HAS been involved in politics for decades. He’s not a political outsider. Do these people have Google? Or is there a marked overlap in his supporters and your great aunt who only uses her computer to forward you chain letters and unfounded scare emails about how your pancake mix is going to kill you?